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Tony Fowler

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Re: Stanage Bay QLD
May 18, 2009, 04:06:54 PM
G'day Vic

Any room for another boat to tag along from Port Stephens

Will send you a PM.

Regards Tony

Simon Thomas

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Re: Stanage Bay QLD
May 18, 2009, 04:15:45 PM

Myself and a group of mates (8 people in all) are heading up to fish the area in December as well.  It isn't a dedicated popping trip, just a fishing trip where there will be some poppering amongst other things!!  Our plan is to tow 3*4.5-5.0m tinnies up behind a 60' mother ship out of Gladstone (we initially considered using one of Graham's boats, but thought they weren't quite big enough for a group of our size).  We'll work our way reasonably quickly up to Strong Tide Passage and fish in shore and possibly some of the islands in the area.

I would be interested in comparing notes with you guys as we don't have a huge amount of information on the area.  Also we may be able to help out (floating fuel dump perhaps)if you are going to be in the area at the same time.


Graham Scott

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Re: Stanage Bay QLD
May 20, 2009, 09:34:53 AM
Hi Tim,

The fishing in September is OK. The main advantage is the weather is normally flat. Most any time up here you can catch fish provided you can travel to where the fish live. This is particularly so at Stanage Bay.  We don't have anywhere near the seasonal changes that occur further south. If I had to make a call I would say September is poor for mudcrabs, good for mackerel and pelagics, Ok for reef fish, good for estuary fish....and lovely to be out on the water. The biggest influence on GT's seems to be tides. although I think more correctly it is locating the GT's depending on the tides, (they must be still there somewhere)

Importantly allow enough time to get the place wired. You are spoilt for choice out of Stanage and could end up going to a different Island every day for a month.I would suggest varying location and technique until something starts to work then stick to it. It is a strange place and "normal" doesn't always work.
I am not an expert on Stanage, it's about the northern limit of my patch, so not too good on exact locations.

Greg Burt

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Re: Stanage Bay QLD
May 22, 2009, 02:41:06 PM
Greg 'FFF' Burt