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Henry Sung

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 04, 2011, 12:14:38 PM
Nice trip Vic. Good that you can bring your family together on a fishing trip.

Peter Morris

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 04, 2011, 12:54:18 PM
Top Stuff Vic,

Good to see a DIY trip rewarded so well.


Graham Scott

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 04, 2011, 01:22:04 PM
The freshwater from the Fitzroy does some funny things when it enters the GBR lagoon. It basically flows north every time no matter wind or currents. About 30km due east of the river at Hummocky it was about 99% salt.
But along the coast it was at least as far as Island Head Creek.  The satellites showed at least a stain all the way along the coast, almost continous. As far as I am aware the flood plume didn't go out to the Capricorn Bunker Islands and I would be very surprised if it made it to the Swains, thats 200km
Salinity around the Keppel Islands was down to about 50% seawater on the surface and the fresh effect was also down to about 10m.
When we were up along the coast we had the weird experience of the surface waters flowing north towards shoalwater, but about 10m down it was roaring south in the normal tidal pattern.
In general the fish love the fresh and we should have a very good year, but the increased turbidity and low salinity might have sent the GT's down too deep.

Geoff Volter

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 04, 2011, 01:31:54 PM
Graham, do you fish for barra up there? Are you expecting good years to follow?

Graham Scott

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 04, 2011, 02:11:06 PM
Hi geoff,
We'll have to call the barra estuary Gt's to stay on topic, but yes I fish for barra and yes this will be the best year probably in the last 30 years. After the 1991 flood I was catching 2 or 3 good barra in my lunch hour off the rocks near work.There has been excellent recruitment from breedings in November 2008 2009 and 2010. There were huge numbers of undersize barra in the system which will now have been gorging themselves up on the floodplains for the last 2 months. We also had the unusual event of up to 50000 large barra go over the wall at Awoonga dam, survival rates are reportedly between 50 and 80%. Most of these fish were over a metre. These will also migrate and improve the estuary fishery.I believe its already a turkey shoot in the Boyne below the dam.

Only problem will be to see how the professional catch goes. the local pros are sensible and respectful, but courtesy of dumb QLD legislation as we get a few barra we get a huge influx of foreign net fisherman who pulse fish the hell out of the river.

Getting back to GT's we (capreef) have proven a link beyond doubt between improved catch rates on reef species and a big flood in the river. The effect lasts 2 to 3 years. it is not just better breeding as coral trout don't get to 38cm in 6 months. I think its improved growth rates, actively feeding and better recruitment, also possibly migration, but not really any tag data to prove it.
I don't see why this effect would not extend to GT's as the same improved conditions would apply.

So here's my tip....
We'll see the best GT fishing for a generation along the Capricorn Coast and Shoalwater Bay in the next 2 years....

Hows that for setting me up for a fall.

Geoff Volter

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 06, 2011, 09:54:03 PM
Hi geoff,
We'll have to call the barra estuary Gt's to stay on topic, but yes I fish for barra and yes this will be the best year probably in the last 30 years. After the 1991 flood I was catching 2 or 3 good barra in my lunch hour off the rocks near work.There has been excellent recruitment from breedings in November 2008 2009 and 2010. There were huge numbers of undersize barra in the system which will now have been gorging themselves up on the floodplains for the last 2 months. We also had the unusual event of up to 50000 large barra go over the wall at Awoonga dam, survival rates are reportedly between 50 and 80%. Most of these fish were over a metre. These will also migrate and improve the estuary fishery.I believe its already a turkey shoot in the Boyne below the dam.

Only problem will be to see how the professional catch goes. the local pros are sensible and respectful, but courtesy of dumb QLD legislation as we get a few barra we get a huge influx of foreign net fisherman who pulse fish the hell out of the river.

Getting back to GT's we (capreef) have proven a link beyond doubt between improved catch rates on reef species and a big flood in the river. The effect lasts 2 to 3 years. it is not just better breeding as coral trout don't get to 38cm in 6 months. I think its improved growth rates, actively feeding and better recruitment, also possibly migration, but not really any tag data to prove it.
I don't see why this effect would not extend to GT's as the same improved conditions would apply.

So here's my tip....
We'll see the best GT fishing for a generation along the Capricorn Coast and Shoalwater Bay in the next 2 years....

Hows that for setting me up for a fall.

Graham, thanks for the detailed reply. Very informative. Thats great news about the "estuary gt's" and hopefully about the big real ones too

Do you ever pop the reefs off 1770- lady musgrave etc?

Travis Heaps

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 07, 2011, 07:53:11 AM
Geoff - are you up this way in CQ?

Geoff Volter

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 07, 2011, 08:52:56 AM
Geoff - are you up this way in CQ?

No mate, I am in brisbane. I've spent some time there over the years through work and travel.

One  of my mates heads upto the reefs up that way regularly, I want to head up there with him and have a go at some GT's and reefies.

Graham Scott

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 07, 2011, 09:14:24 AM
I haven't fished south of Keppel Bay off Yeppoon for GT's. If you head south of Yeppoon you pass Gladstone boats heading north. If you head north of Yeppoon you pass....nobody.

Evan Gluck

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 11, 2011, 03:46:19 AM
I hope one day I can go on a trip with my family like this. 

Vic Levett

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February 13, 2011, 08:52:20 PM
This years trip was cancelled due to family illness .. and sounds like we were lucky in respect to the crap weather Qland experienced . Yepoon and the reefs North will be our focus for years to come . Hopefully this year we will make the trip and spend more time exploring this amazing piece of Oz    ,... Exmouth is the only other place that stirred such a desire to travel and  fish ... Just remember that the only thing that stops us all to do such trips is ourselves . Commit ... we only get one chance in this world ... go and enjoy   all this world has to offer ,,,.... all too soon we will cease to exist  ....Lifes too short use it wisely
Regards Vic

Jay Burgess

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Re: Qlaanaaa
February 13, 2011, 10:18:32 PM
Exmouth is the only other place that stirred such a desire to travel and  fish ...

Hi Vic, have you had the opportunity to fish Exmouth much?

Vic Levett

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 14, 2011, 08:41:44 AM
Been over there twice and managed to hook up with Matt and Jenny Gates (bluewater tackle ) .. great place and worth the hassle to get to

Vic Levett

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Re: Stanage Bay Part 2
February 14, 2011, 08:42:43 AM

Peter Lowe

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Re: Qlaanaaa
February 14, 2011, 11:52:59 AM
This years trip was cancelled due to family illness .. and sounds like we were lucky in respect to the crap weather Qland experienced . Yepoon and the reefs North will be our focus for years to come . Hopefully this year we will make the trip and spend more time exploring this amazing piece of Oz    ,... Exmouth is the only other place that stirred such a desire to travel and  fish ... Just remember that the only thing that stops us all to do such trips is ourselves . Commit ... we only get one chance in this world ... go and enjoy   all this world has to offer ,,,.... all too soon we will cease to exist  ....Lifes too short use it wisely Regards Vic

Never a truer word spoken - Love it !