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Geoff Volter

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 01, 2010, 02:48:42 PM
Another GIANT lost to this world.

Moreton Bay...

62.3kg - Jan 2010.

bugger, I wonder where it was shot.

Jon Jarvis

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 01, 2010, 07:05:58 PM
Another GIANT lost to this world.

Moreton Bay...

62.3kg - Jan 2010.

bugger, I wonder where it was shot.

Looks like just behind the head. Would take balls to hang onto that thing.

Geoff Volter

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 01, 2010, 08:28:13 PM
Yes, I guess it would. Did they eat it?

I was referring to where in the reason it was shot.

Chris Young

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 01, 2010, 08:38:43 PM
Sad to see this sort of thing is called "sport" in some circles. I guess it's just a matter of time before these practices shut it down for all of us  :(

Bertrand Picarda

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 10, 2010, 10:57:14 PM
Interesting to note how large those fish look like. Very impressive and a dream to catch !



Pat McAuliffe

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 11, 2010, 07:06:53 PM
What a shame, what a magnificent animal

Theo Poulos

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 13, 2010, 01:47:15 PM
We need to be very careful in what is written and not be so quick to publicly condem a fellow hunter, because ultimately
thats what we all are, in one form or another, we are hunters. By publicly stating that what he did was wrong only
provides fuel to those who wish to take away our rights to be able to do what we all like to do, and thats to catch fish,
be it for food and/or sport. This forum is open to anyone who has a computer and is online, and believe you me, these
people who seek to undermine our rights have nothing better to do, than simply trawl through various forums such as
this, that, according to them are simply based upon cruelty and inhumane practiceses against harmless and defenseless
creatures. They view themselves as the crusaders that will ultimately put a stop to what we all enjoy doing by
gathering comments such as those made above, taking them out of context, compiling them and then tabling them
before the so called il-informed law makers and decision makers in order to suite their own agenda. They simply base
their argument on this information, for now they have irrefutable evidence that these practiceses should be stopped by
stating that even the people involved in this sport have stated that this should not be allowed, and that my friends will
be the beginning of the end for all of us because they believe that meat/fish is wrapped in plastic and not fur/scales.
We need to act as one unified body if we wish to continue doing what we enjoy doing and for the record the fish was

Bertrand Picarda

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 13, 2010, 06:37:35 PM

Very good point Theo. Wether we like it or not fishing is a blood sport just like spearhunting even if we do our best to release the fish after the catch. There is still some mortality.



Jon Jarvis

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 13, 2010, 08:09:40 PM
I agree totally. It just depends what sport you are into. Some choose to Spearfish and some choose to throw Poppers or Jig. (some forum members do both)
I would guess that the mortality rate among Popping would be higher than Spearing as a result of more people doing it. I think people that would think about tackling a GT on Spear would be restricted to a handfull of blokes. Really not going to put a dent in the population and I cant see it hitting mainstream anytime soon.
Bet most guys here have had GT's not respond to revival, eaten by shark upon release or the victim of a poor gaff shot. Definately not intended but it is reality.

John Joubert

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 15, 2010, 06:17:01 PM
difference is most GT fishos target GT's (or Doggies) period...... These spearos target anything large with zero chance of a succesfull release.

Its way more a blood sport with many spearos taking to the water now days. Its more than just about GT's guys and spearos do no body chasing fish of any sort any favours.They learn from the bottom up killing everything on their way


Theo Poulos

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 17, 2010, 10:46:54 AM
Wake up and pull your head out of the sand.
What do you classify yourself as?.... a fisher.... I hope and now lets look at the spearFISHERS, do you see any similarities in the labelling, if not let me spell it out for you because you've totally missed the point. We are all categorised under the one label by those who wish to put a stop to what we all like doing and that is fishing. Comments like yours only serves to fuel their resentment towards all of us and makes it easier for them to get their job done because you are handing it to them on a silver platter. WAKE UP. When was the last time you ate some fish meaning, I'm sure you have killed at least one fish in your lifetime be it by your own hand or by having purchased seafood at some point in time.
By the way when was the last time you held your breath for over six minutes, because that will give you about about two minutes underwater with which you now must swim down 40 meters, stalk the doggie and if your lucky get a shot off and then make it back to the surface. Sounds difficult doesn't it, but that's what it takes. It's not as easy as you're trying to make it sound and many more doggies(fish) are dispatched, be it intentionally or not, by line fishing.

John Joubert

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 17, 2010, 01:37:05 PM
lol, hmm guessing your a diver .

when was the last time you released a fish unharmed after spearing it?? wake up to yourself lol

Its like putting guys who shoot clay targets with rifle or rifle range shooters in the same boat as those that shoot wildlife.

Just because you can free dive and hold your breath does that make ok to kill an otherwise easy target??

Alistair Barnes

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 17, 2010, 03:10:00 PM
Come on guys, full respect for anyone who spears..... no respect for anyone who spears and takes more than he can eat.  At teh end of the day catching your own fish and eating it is way more sustainable than buying fish from the shop after you take into account fuel used to catch and transport it!

     Yes killing isn't much good if its in excess, and to say its easy "Just because you can free dive and hold your breath does that make ok to kill an otherwise easy target??" must be understatment of the year!!!

I'm not a freediver, just a realist!  You will also never be able to empty the ocean by rod and line, or by spear.  Nets and commercial are the only way to do that!


Chris Young

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 17, 2010, 04:36:23 PM
This forum is dedicated to Popper fishing and Jigging with a strong emphasis on catch and release. It is NOT the same as spearfishing.....end of story >:(
I think if you want to show your "captures" (kills) from spearfishing do it on an appropriate forum, not here. :o

Theo Poulos

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Re: 63 Kilo GT - SA East Coast
August 17, 2010, 05:38:47 PM
Your comments are pure ignorance, you're totally missing the point. So I'll spell it out for you nice and slowly! Stop shooting yourself and others in the foot by making comments without having given any thought to the possible ramification of your statements. Just remember the author George Orwell and his book "1984" and the statement "big brother is watching you". You'd very surprised to know what and who really monitors everything.