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Elusive Reef Guides Report 30 May 2010
May 31, 2010, 08:35:09 AM
Damon:-Another crazy day of action. The wind got up to around 15kn today, and I had Mark Berg and Richard Foong onboard to do some filming. They had already filmed crazy GT action the past 2 days so we went into the shallows to see what we could find. We would have caught at least 60 fish today, with a variety of mixed species including GTs, coral trout, sweetlip, goldspot trevally, red bass, bludger trevally, shark mackerel and rainbow runners. The action was again very hard to describe, but one stand out was seeing a baitball the size of a football field in 1m of water on top of the reef at low tide being harassed by anything and everything. We cast at the bait school and had a pack of 30kg GTs climb all over each other to try and eat a poor little stick shadd on 30lb line and then spent the next 30 minutes fighting the fish. We landed it, and Ryan was extremely happy with a 60lb fish on 30lb line caught in just 1m of water, and we got it all on camera, truly spectacular!!! We also saw a GT of at least 50kg get fully airborne, out of the water through a school of bait in about 2m of water, one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. We caught more GTs yesterday, but I would have to say that today was a different day, with a huge variety of fish and some of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Fishing the shallows and seeing goldspots, GTs and bludgers just destroying bait schools in shallow water is about as spectacular as it gets. Can't wait for tomorrow- This reef system is just truly ridiculous, and I cannot really come to terms with how many fish are here....

Nick:- Even though the wind decided to blow a little today it didn't stop the fish from going mad. First cast this morning hooked up to a nice GT and next couple of casts saw us raising packs all over the place. Slowly working the reef edge picking fish off steady all day with a few action packed double hook ups made for another unbelievable day!We managed to boat 17 GTs for the day and must have seen around 50! There is still bait at every corner and angry GTs waiting for us tommorrow....

Chris:- today was the most relaxed and chilled out day I have had in quite a while. The wind had picked up a little and with the guys absolutely stuffed from the last 2 to 3 days of GT madness they decided to see what else this reef had to offer. We started in the shallows working blue holes and isolated bommies on the light gear. Well we had a ball catching coral trout, long toms, bludger and goldspot travalley, shark mackerel and red throat emperor. As we caught so much on the light gear the guys then decided it was time to go and try our luck on the GTs. Well let me remind you that we started at about 1 o'clock just after a spot of lunch. It was GT madness all over. There was bait everywhere, fussies and small gars mainly. Seeing packs of fish and catching pretty much every one. Our hook up rate to me was fantastic, missing the odd fish here and there but what can you do "that's fishing". We boated 15 GTs all of these fish were around the 28 to 35kg mark which was incredible I have never seen so many decent sized fish ever. The biggest being around the 38kg mark maybe pushing 40. The guys weren't too interested in catching GTs today but with the madness we had how could they resist. The days just seem to get better and better. Let's just see what tomorrow brings us.

Glanville:- Another crazy day of Gt fishing we had, I had the some Gt crazy people on my boat and we went all out on an assassination mission...we had a crazy day and in the first half an hour we had 8 Gts to the boat and 3 giant sized goldspots, the day went really well with consistant action and we ended up with 26 Gts for the day including a fish that was 40kg  another beast of a fish that was boated towards the end of the day, but the highlight of today's action happened at around 12:30, we were drifting down this ledge, I noticed a shoal of bait a little further down and got the guys to hold their lures in. As we approached the shoal they sent their lures flying, we raised 2 fish but they never climbed on the lures we drifted further past the shoal and they still looked terrified, the guys were tired of casting on the ledge and offered a cast to me, my gut feeling told me to turn and cast where we just drifted over and so I did it, the Adhek goby started doing its little dance and this creature appeared, it had a look at the lure first and with a short pause and a twitch twitch it could not resist it just precisely mowed down the lure on the surface as if it had done this a million times before the fish I estimated at around 60kg it was an absolute mammoth of an animal and left me gob smacked for about 2 hours, I have seen thousands of Gts eat lures and this is probably the biggest I have ever seen it was beyond words and really didn't even look like a fish at all but rather a mechanical creature, something like you would see in the movie jaws...

Dorian Weber

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Re: Elusive Reef Guides Report 30 May 2010
June 01, 2010, 12:26:42 AM
the question is did the mammoth 60kg GT just eat the lure or did you boat that machine????

either way im so jealous, biggest thing i have near me to catch is a carp...im going to start self harming  ;)

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Re: Elusive Reef Guides Report 30 May 2010
June 01, 2010, 09:17:09 AM
Hi Dorian I think we can safely assume from the lack of descriptives that Glanny got reefed by this monster - you know Glanny, if something impressive's happened we're sure to hear about it!! Unfortunately the guides are at a real disadvantage when they hook a big one as it's very hard to fish and drive at the same time  ;)