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Nomad Sportfishing

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Drive Out Trip Guides Report 21 June 2010
June 22, 2010, 01:58:26 PM
Tim - My guys today had a great time on the light tackle as they did not want to Gt fish all the time. They did however land a couple of decent Gts on the light gear and both on the Sebile Koolie Minnow 118 Long Lip. We had a good session on the Budgers, Gold Spot and the Shark Mackerel. We go bust off by a decent Spaniard next to the boat, just chomping right through the mono. All day there was constant action all round on various lures and they guys did well in the conditions seeing as it was blowing all day.

Nick :- We went on a GT hunt this morning and headed down south to the hacksaw, when we got there all the signs for GT annihilation were there. We worked the area for about an hour and only managed to see a few fish but none stuck. We worked hard for the next few hours with little return except for big hunger pains so we decided to head back in for lunch. After lunch we changed tactics and decided to switch to the light gear whiched proved successful as we got stuck into a nice red bass around 5 kilos as well as bludgers and sharkies.

Alex- Today we had good action most of the the day despite the ugly conditions. Within the first half hour we boated our first gt, only about 20kg but a good start to the day. After this the gts hid for a few hours so we caught a few reefies and long tom playing around the shallows. After the tide drained too much to keep playing around the blue holes we went exploring and got another pack sized gt of around 20kgs. The stickbaits had a lot more bites today which was surprising as in this rougher weather the big poppers usually are the goods. The gt of the day came from a awesome bay that just screamed fish. After an awesome take it was pulling a lot of line and the dory was doing its marlin fishing attempt of backing up full noise to drag it out of the reef, just as it got to the shallows we managed to turn its head and saw it swimming parallel to the reef only cms from busting us off, it came to the boat a nice 30kg fish that fought well above its weight. The rest of the afternoon only saw a few gts but the hooks didn't stick but we got a crocodile like barracuda of about 30kg that put on a good show. After that it was light tackle assault and we caught a heap of bludgers, gold spots and the odd reefie. To finish the day off we had a nice double hook up on longtail tuna that tested the guys out on the light stuff. Overall a good day considering the wind kept on screaming the whole day.

Chris:- woke up this morning to find yet another windy day if not a little worse. Although the weather has been a little bad the fishing made it just that little bit better. This morning started off a bit slow. The plan was to do a fair bit of light stuff to get the guys out of the uncomfortable conditions and into some shelter. We did ok catching shark and scaly mackerel, long toms, chinaman god, coral trout, and a few bludgers. The GT side of things was a little slow on the other hand. Hopefully tomorrow brings more...

Josh Dow

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Good Luck with the weather today... a little slower than last trip by the sounds but still a slow day of fishing is alot better than a fast day in the office!

Nomad Sportfishing

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Thanks Josh I'll forward that through to the guys onboard  ;)