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Peter Morris

  • Giant Trevally
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Ok I think Brandon will be busy for some time on business trips so I will start the ball rolling on our trip to Elusive.

For me it was my first trip on Nomad and I was lucky enough to be in the first group who visited Elusive recently. I have to say it was an absolute pleasure to fish with such an awesome bunch of people.I think some really good friendships emerged from the group also which is a real bonus.

The group consisted of Brandon Khoo (group organiser),Malcolm Crane,Tak Otsuka,Eric Le Guyader (Orion Lures),George Pang,Samuel Lee,Brendon Dolphin,Pat Victorino and his partner Jeena,Greg Burt,Paul Chan and myself.

Also very important to mention the Nomad team and they make you feel welcome at every stage which just made the experience even better.A great bunch of guys and a massive thanks to them.

We were also very lucky with the weather and had 3 awesome days where it blew about 5-10knots and two where it was about 20knots but still very fishable.

The GT fishing was great with everyone catching some really nice fish.
Along with the GT fishing we also experienced some top light tackle fishing encountering all manner of species.I think on the Thursday I landed about ten fish and all were different species-just great fun.
Tak and Paul also landed some very nice GT's on the light gear and both were very satisfying captures.

Special thanks to Brandon (from everyone involved) for organising the group and considerable time and energy went into this.
You made it an incredibly enjoyable week.

There are just so many photos from everyone and I am not sure where to start so please just add them on as you get time.

Will  upload some more in a separate post.

Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 01:05:21 PM by Peter Morris

Peter Morris

  • Giant Trevally
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Peter Morris

  • Giant Trevally
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The light tackle enthusiasts were Brandon,Paul,Tak and myself and we had some top fun.
Tak got a fantastic (what I think is a Pennant fish) and both him and Paul got very nice GT's on the light gear using small poppers.

Greg Burt

  • Giant Trevally
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I'm with you Pete, TOP TRIP, thanks to the 'Monster Class Anglers Club' and their committee of one  ;), our week couldn't have been better as with weather and fishing and a great bunch of Anglers and Nomad Staff :D, meeting and seeing some top anglers at work was a great experience. Fishing with Malcolm when he landed 18 GTs [2 off the daily record], he was still smiling on the last fish, and the boat totaling 33 Gts on the 1st day was a highlight for me, as was getting my PB of 9 GTs on the Tuesday. I' recon the week two guys will have a similar report.
The competition part was great fun as well, the daily Lucky Angler prizes at dinner each night went down well, as was the last night presentation with Malcolm taking out Champ Angler [voted by Guides] and scoring a Ripple Fisher Rod, Brendon with Biggest GT [Monster Class] and receiving a Fisherman Rod, Pete with smallest fish [also in running for biggest], Sam for much improved Angler [voted by Guides], and Nick being voted Best Guide by all the Anglers [photo finish] and getting a bag of lures, as Damon would say "Top Stuff"  ;D.
Here are the Three Amigos MCA brain strain at work ;)
Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 10:27:51 PM by Greg Burt
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Greg Burt

  • Giant Trevally
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A few more pics
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Sami Ghandour

  • Bluefin Tuna
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Very nice report,
congratulation to all,
Jeana! well done i am not surprise to see you with a big GT on your lap :)
it seems that the Orion lures where the dominate lures on boards.
Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 11:22:45 AM by Sami Ghandour

Darren Cook

  • Bluefin Tuna
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Great stuff,you guys got some great fish and obviously had a ball. Good luck to you,

Greg Burt

  • Giant Trevally
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Jeanna got into them alright Sami, I never saw the smile come off the dial  ;D
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Brandon Khoo

  • Foundation Moderator
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I hope the guys from week two will be kind enough to post a report.I'm off overseas tomorrow so don't have the time at the moment. Still, congratulations to Ken Best for winning the prize for biggest GT and to Martin Exel for the best angler. There were a couple of additional prizes in comparison to week one but I don't think we will go into the details of those. Suffice to say the winners were John Campbell and Kai Caiyang    ;D
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Pat Victorino

  • Guest

   Thanks for the great detailed report Pete.
Was a pleasure to fish with you and all the guys on the trip.
Both Jeana and I had a blast and hope to meet up with you again in the near future.

 BTW: Your stuff is on the way

Nathan Cefai

  • Giant Trevally
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Peter,Dam there were some big fish,a great Variety also,Brandon once again good work you done great as always...Looked like Orion Lures were the choice of lures for this trip,big foots looked very popular...

Great work..

Greg Burt

  • Giant Trevally
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We also had action at the back of the boat each night with Squid, Gar, a large Grouper, bottom Reefies and GTs'
Paul got an award for persistence and the largest Mothership fish with a bit of help from Brandon and Tak.
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Sam Conacher

  • Red Bass
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one word comes to mind after looking at the photo's - simply and truly awesome.


just to let you and everyone else know - i am honestly and seriously not being rude at all or anything like that what so ever,  and i am no expert fish/marine Biologist and i am not an expert fish analyst or anything like that,

from what i know - Tak's fish is a big and as u said fantastic Diamond Trevally.

Jamie Moir

  • Guest
from what i know - Tak's fish is a big and as u said fantastic Diamond Trevally.

Are they also called pompano in other countries? Looks very close apart from the dark tips on the ends of the fins.

Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 08:24:36 PM by Jamie Moir

Peter Morris

  • Giant Trevally
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one word comes to mind after looking at the photo's - simply and truly awesome.


just to let you and everyone else know - i am honestly and seriously not being rude at all or anything like that what so ever,  and i am no expert fish/marine Biologist and i am not an expert fish analyst or anything like that,

from what i know - Tak's fish is a big and as u said fantastic Diamond Trevally.

I dont think it is....I have caught some big diamond trevally before and this one looked considerably different.
I was talking about it with Brandon.
Here is a pic of a big diamond I caught and you can see the differences.

Taks one looked very different without the trailing fins etc that diamonds have.
Whatever it was it was a top fish.
