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Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 13, 2007, 10:10:25 PM
Rob - I reckon you've got to be paying for some tackle store owner's mistress at the rate you're going! ;D

Thanks Brandon will stick with the owners.

If it swims; I want to catch it!


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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 14, 2007, 04:50:47 PM
hi, Just 1 question...

so the trip is fully filled?

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 14, 2007, 05:34:07 PM
Hi Gu - it is now fully booked - with one confirmed on a waiting list and one other unconfirmed but keen
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 14, 2007, 05:36:57 PM
Guys - I have now spoken to Claire. If you want to send anything up to be put on the boat, it can be one small box and it needs to be sent to their Brisbane office no later than the end of March 2008.

Their Brisbane office address is:

52 O'Donnell Street
Wavell Heights,  QLD 4012

If it swims; I want to catch it!

Graham Stevenson

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 15, 2007, 06:00:44 PM
Thanks Brandon
Now have a shopping list - some of those items are not readily available in NZ so will have to shop around.
Do you know what type of swivels Nomad were using themselves - they looked fairly basic but did the job.
Interested in your discussion re rod lengths - my experience at Bugatti was that the length assisted casting abilitywhich seemed important , but did notice that the fish did get some leverage on you (that hurt!).
One last question - do you use wire on your jigs - my limited experience with dogtooth was that it wasn't necessary but they were puppies , not mongrels.

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 15, 2007, 09:02:44 PM
Hi Graham - if there is something you particularly want, let me know and I should be able to source it for you.
I don't know what kind of swivels they use on the Odyssey but I think that the guys tend to opt for pretty serious terminals and I think their swivels would be no exception. For our purposes (popping and jigging), the Owner crane swivels at size 2/0 will be plenty enough.

Rod length is a compromise. You probably have't read someof my older posts but I have often said that when I am casting, I wish the rod was 9 feet long but when I hook a fish, I wish it was the length of a jigging rod! That pretty much sums it up. I like my popping rods between 7.5 feet to 8 feet in length irrespective of what type of vessel i am fishing from. I just find it the best compromise for me. Mate - I didn't think any fish could put the hurt on you! How many people could claim that on their first popping trip ever, they broke the magic three figure (on the old scale) mark?!

Wire on jigs for doggies. You're not going to find much consistency on this topic and some people have pretty strong views on it! I personally do not like using wire and won't unless there are bloody mongrel wahoos around but what I do suggest is to rig the assist hook using split rings and a swivel instead of standard assist cord (unless you have zylon). Zylon won't save you from wahoos though. You'll find that if we are trolling stickbaits that the guys will probably use a small segment of wire.

I( have once in the past ended up rigging about six feet of wire (the stuff that you twist and burn) on my jigs to teach the wahoo a lesson. I didn't think they would touch it because of the black wire but it didn't put them off at all. In fact, one of them snipped it off at the swivel eventually. You can't win with wahoo........  >:(
Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 08:09:23 PM by Brandon Khoo
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Rob Ciotucha

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 15, 2007, 09:16:49 PM
Hi Brandon im not 100% about the size of the 2/0 Owner Cranes but will these fit on the 11H split rings ok?

I got some 5/0 over cranes the other day and these fit on the 11H splitrings fine with plenty of movement.
My guess is the 2/0s might be a tad small to fit these big splitrings.

Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 09:38:37 PM by Rob Ciotucha

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 15, 2007, 10:41:26 PM
Rob, you don't have to worry - the 2/0 Owner crane swivels will fit onto an 11H split ring. It will even fit a 400lb Varivas split ring.
That said, I do not use an 11H to join the swivel on the twisted leader to the lures. I use a size 10 split ring for this but I can guarantee you that an 11H would not be a problem if that is your preference.

If you use a 5/0 swivel, it will not fit through the guides on your rod. That may not be factor for you but it important to me because I like to attach the twisted leader already on my spare spools so if I have a break-off, all I have to do is thread this through the runners after changing the spool and clip a new lure on

here is a picture of an 11H split ring on an Owner 2/0 swivel

If it swims; I want to catch it!

Rob Ciotucha

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 15, 2007, 10:49:05 PM
Ah awesome Brandon thanks for that, I wasnt 100% sure, 


Graham Stevenson

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 17, 2007, 05:32:13 PM
Thanks Brandon.
Have talked to NZ agents for Owners about getting me some swivels.
Hopefully they will be able to source them (still waiting for my Jobus that I ordered about 4 months ago !)
Have pretty much got my shopping list sorted.
Had a look at the new Shimano GT rod today - it is a compromise between length for casting and action for fighting.

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 17, 2007, 08:11:39 PM
Graham - was the Shimano popping rod the new Caranx Kaibatsu or the Ocea GT?
What did you think?
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Graham Stevenson

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 22, 2007, 05:15:01 PM
Brandon - it was neither.
It was the T Curve Ian Miller GT Special - 8 ` 2 piece rated PE3-8.
The only rod I could compare it to is the Bluewater T Curve 15-24 Kg Spin I used on Nomad. Is a lot lighter and stiffer(carbon) and would cast a heavy popper really well and fight a GT well I think..
This may be the rod that Nomad will have next year?
The two you mention will not be bought into NZ and not sure about Australia (anything with Ocea in it is generally a product for the Japanese domestic market only - although they can be persuaded)
Was pretty impressed with it - would retail in NZ for about $550.
Only fault I thought was that the butt was a bit long (or my arms too short)
Might buy for Marion but if it going to be on Nomad then I will use theirs - not a great fan of baggage handlers on international flights !

Greg Burt

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 22, 2007, 06:00:04 PM
I heard it will be available in Australia in October, and are a upgrade in quality on the Bluewater 15-24kg Spin as Graham mentioned, lets hope its a winner and are the ones available on Nomad charters next year ;D. Could be good for us blokes who don't have the KDs . ;)
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 22, 2007, 08:28:49 PM
I'm not familiar with that rod as I haven't had a play around with one yet but the fact that it is rated up to PE8 is a big improvement. Looking at the pricing of the rod though, you'd need to consider the Saltiga GT86 as an option. It really comes down to what you prefer.

Graham - if the butt is too long, any half decent rod builder can shorten it for you.

The Nomad rod isn't one of these. The guys were testing a prototype at Bugatti which seemed like a decent enough stick.

If I can make one comment guys, and that is that you do not  need a Komodo Dragon. It is undoubtedly nice to have one but there are options which are cheaper, especially if you're looking to fish up to a maximum of PE8 (100lb). If you're looking at doing repeated trips for heavy popping, then it is probably nice to consider getting a really nice stick but if you're going to going on a GT charter once in a blue moon, it's a hell of an investment.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

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Re: Marion Reef 2008 - Tackle Recommendations
August 22, 2007, 09:15:53 PM
If I can make one comment guys, and that is that you do not  need a Komodo Dragon. It is undoubtedly nice to have one but there are options which are cheaper, especially if you're looking to fish up to a maximum of PE8 (100lb). If you're looking at doing repeated trips for heavy popping, then it is probably nice to consider getting a really nice stick but if you're going to going on a GT charter once in a blue moon, it's a hell of an investment.

That's a point that many ignorant anglers can't get through their heads - no one on this forum thankfully ;)