As per usual, you have taken a humble look at yourself and Malcolm Crane.
"New Caledonia obviously loves great anglers because it rolled out good weather for Kenji, unlike what it has done for myself and Malcolm on some of our trips in the past!"
I know we all aspire to the next level of Konishi-san, but to imply that you and Mal can't more than handle your own, well I think that is a bit hard on yourself and I feel others would agree!
Konishi-san is a freak of nature with all things surface luring related.
Most have to realize that he is the bloke who has designed and tuned these lures to his timing and fishing style/ability.
It is merely a sad lack of days on the water for most of us to get THAT good at it!
Thanks for sharing the trip mate.
Its always a great read.
That doggie must have been a mutant 200kg model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!