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Gary Prerost

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Go to lures
March 27, 2011, 08:35:15 PM
OK from recent posts I guess Im a lurker, so I thought I would pose a question . Stickbait or popper what do we buy and why? I understand that some brands are very definate must have lures but what are the considerations that we as anglers decide are our go to lures.
Do we look at past success on certain lures , go by reputation , or grap a heap and go for what we think might work on the day. Please be objective and dont answer the obvious if your in rough country do you tie on a $150.00 lure or go for a $20.00 lure or do you look at you lures and trust that you may come up trumps if there is a chance of a once in a lifetime fish. Same for the open less troublesome areas do you chose the most expensive or are the choices made on our most successfull lures.
I also realise there are many who are happy to buy a heap of second hand lures and go for the most chewed (me). I ask because I notice many of the top lure brands that are on sold are all more of a collector buy rather than a buy and use because they are the best and on selling a lure in top nick gives better returns.
I also understand there are plenty who can afford the best offerings ,but are they bought because there our most sought after or we buy because from experience they give you a huge edge at success

Mark Harris

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Re: Go to lures
March 27, 2011, 10:25:18 PM
Personally, I go very much by own past experiences and stay with those lures that has given me success irrespective of their reputation.

I am always keen to try a new lure, usually based on a recommendation, but it would be my own results/experience with that lure rather than reputation, that determines whether I would buy another one or even use it again.

On that basis, my "go to" lures are a mix of middle market and high market options.

Travis Heaps

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Re: Go to lures
March 27, 2011, 10:50:22 PM
For me a go to lure is one I know catches fish.  It has caught fish in the past and by using it again i can know it's not the new or different lure i have tied on that is keepin the fish away if it's quiet.  For me, where i fish most often, that lure is the FCL Labo Ebipop 120.  Stickbaits I'm not as fussy about, generally an Orion Bigfoot if there's one left or lately an FCL Labo SSP 220S.

John Adams Smith

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Re: Go to lures
March 28, 2011, 08:39:36 AM
Does lure color affect the selection process in any way?

Ken Best

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Re: Go to lures
March 28, 2011, 09:25:27 AM
Most people will have favorites depending on their experience.
Its a confidence thing for me. I get used to a lures action and my ability to work it.
I got caught up in the "buy lots" craze when I started as did a few others by the amount that is sold on the forum.

I now stick to my favorites, Fullscale, Orion, Fisherman, Craftbait and Ahdek.
With colours, I have a range from dark, to natural, through to bright.
We spend enough money on trips, so I use my favorites for all situations, even if I don't think it will come back after a cast into terrible terrain.
The confidence thing again.


"Beer makes you feel the way you ought to, without beer" (Henry Lawson)

Warwick Joyce

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Re: Go to lures
March 28, 2011, 10:10:20 AM
Its a hard question, I like to have bases covered. It's about the "feel" of the day, Try to match the hatch as much as possible. If the fish are feeding on white bait why tie on a 200g chugger?
But to generalize, The popper/stick action is what does it for me. A popper that holds water well but doesn't feel like your pulling a 20l bucket through the water. Stickbaits that can be presented ever so subtle but can also be ripped through the water without blowing out or doing the helicopter.
Color depends on water clarity and bait fish.
Basically i think its too much to ask for a single go to lure, there are too many variables.
Mine are, Craftbait GT2, FCL Ebipop, Orion Bigfoot, Dogtooth (heru/nomad/kaiser etc), Cubera, Tuna (heru)
and thats about all I own ::) in various sizes and colors of course.
If it swims good i'll use it ;)

Steven Kakonyi

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Re: Go to lures
March 28, 2011, 11:18:26 AM
In terms of using FCL Ebipop's are these  better off being used in shallower waters? I am yet to use one however the cup doesn't seem to be that large, do they create much noise??

Gary Prerost

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Re: Go to lures
March 28, 2011, 08:14:47 PM
Ok thanks to all of you ,most of who are senior members very few fusiliers red bass  etc what about new comers ,or maybe those who have already replied ,surely early success came in the form of cheaper lures.As a guide on cape york I never found the GT to be a fish that spent much time sussing a lure but most were 10 to15 kilo class school fish .It was a case once raised they would be shouldering each other out of the way for any offering. The bigger fish we berleyed to the boat. As most customers were fly fishermen we could dead stick a fly until the right customer(fish) came along these were fish in the 15 to 24 kg brkt we did see bigger fish but they were never a quest because of the length of the fight, a big cobia was much easier.Once feeding ,or reacting to a bait the GT was as we used to put it easy guiding.I notice though in the big fish locations this is not the case so my question is more a general one for those who just want a wild session even if they are small.Im sorry if this offends those who have replied but as Malcome douglas once proved a bit of feather tied to a stick will catch fish and mostly GTs
The one thing common in all the replies is confidence in lure choice if you believe in a lure even if its not a hot bite it will get bit.
So I would love to here from those who brain GTs on cheap lures just to hear there thoughts

Graham Scott

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Re: Go to lures
March 29, 2011, 09:41:08 AM
If I had to take only 1 lure with me it would be a River 2 Sea dumbell200. Because I basically taught myself GT fishing (until I learned heaps here), I started with cheap lures and stopped on the one that worked. I now have a range of destroyed dumbells but they still work and I am quite prepared to bust a $25 lure for a big GT (pay that much for bream lures).
Photo is latest casualty from 3 weeks ago, still landed the GT ....and I can always reuse the hooks!

Dan Konig

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Re: Go to lures
March 29, 2011, 12:58:26 PM
Completely agree with that, there is always the temptation to stick with what has worked in the past rather than try new things.

On my first popping trip I tried about half a dozen lures casting for around 6 hours with no fish, then switched to a black Weezel Stoat (copy of a well known lure I believe) and got two decent fish in 25 minutes. Could have been anything that resulted in me finally getting the fish, but now there is always the temptation to go back to that lure at the start of a day out.

Tim Richards

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Re: Go to lures
March 31, 2011, 02:20:12 PM
Great Post this one, whilst I have done a lot of fishing I am a relative new comer to this type of fishing, so appreciate this thread.  Could I pose another question without taking away from Gary's original question.  What would influence the size of lure thrown, ie is it conditions (wind or chop) or is it the size of fish.  Do bigger GT's go for bigger lures or are they not that fussy?



Jay Burgess

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Re: Go to lures
March 31, 2011, 03:15:00 PM
Great Post this one, whilst I have done a lot of fishing I am a relative new comer to this type of fishing, so appreciate this thread.  Could I pose another question without taking away from Gary's original question.  What would influence the size of lure thrown, ie is it conditions (wind or chop) or is it the size of fish.  Do bigger GT's go for bigger lures or are they not that fussy?



For me the biggest factor that influences the size of the popper thrown is the water depth. New Caledonia is a good example of this and is probably the only location where I would start off with a 200g+ lure. A lot of other places I fish that are much shallower throwing such a lure would be a wasted effort as a big fish is often just as likely to hit a 120g lure.

Tim Richards

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Re: Go to lures
March 31, 2011, 03:21:46 PM
Thanks Jay

It makes sense that the deeper the fish are you need something bigger for them to see.  Would that mean you would tie on a darker lure as well to help create more of a silouette.



Steven Kakonyi

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Re: Go to lures
March 31, 2011, 04:42:08 PM
hey Jay,
I am yet to make it to New Cal. and am wondering what the terrain is like in terms of depth. You said that you would start with a 200gr lure is to say that the majority of the areas that are fished are deep and if so what depths are you talking about?

Doug Terry

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Re: Go to lures
March 31, 2011, 09:36:41 PM
I'm a Pom but going to aitutaki late Sept. Having never been Travelly fishing before I've got a 9ft 4 piece Shimano rod Casting 150gm and a Shimano saragosa 8000 reel with 50lb braid. Now I'm looking for lures mid price? ie Yo Zuri Surface Cruiser F60 Fishing Lure 1 oz, and Yo Zuri Surface Bull 60/100gm. Are these suitable? and what else would people recommend. Will be fishing from the beach and boat.
Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 09:39:54 PM by doug terry