Sorry a bit late in getting these pics up of the bags I mentioned, and apologise for the qulaity of these images... didn't have my camera at home so just got these ridiculous Blackberry images... but they give you the idea of the bag...
As mentioned, its a zip up bag, with compartments on both insides, with a "page" in the middle with compartments on each side of that...
Each page has 4 large compartments, so you looking at 16 in total...
As you can see ( barely because of the shyte quality pics ) I've got the following on one "page"

Right Page, bottom to top:
Fullscale Long Kong
2 x Craftbait Realbaits in one sleeve
DarkStar/Heru Cubera
Fullscale Sidewinder
Left Page, bottom to top:
Falcon GT 280 & Orion Bigfoot 180 in one sleeve
Carpenter Katobbi & Gamma 160 in one sleeve
Craftbait Pencil and GT2 in one sleeve
3 x Baby Runboh in one sleeve.
So effectively the bag has 2 x this capacity.
A couple more pics:

Empty sleeves

And a size reference with a pack of Camels when zipped up...

Again sorry for the crappy pics, but you get the idea...