Hi Jon,
You are right, i was all prepared for the imminent explosion as the blank was pushed way above its limit. Also maybe the angle of the photo did exagerate the curve visually, i'm guessing. Here's another pic of the rod lifting...

Brandon, after recovering from the shock of losing a couple of bruisers i learnt to turn the tables around and with the couple of fish landed managed to gain control over the fight. It was no holds barred locked down drags and heavy palming of spools, make or break so to speak. Of cos when it REALLY wanted to go there was nothing one can do but i found they could be coaxed in by relentless pressure and no let up in the cranking - line was either leaving the spool, if not it would be on its way back in, there would be no stoppage, no breaks, no dogged see-saw battles. I learnt the limits of the rod that day and i'm glad it didn't cost me! Also learnt NOT to leave the gimble belt at home at all times! hahaha
That fish is certainly a personal record for me, and according to the guide, for the area too. I'm not much of a GT fisherman only because i can't afford multiple trips to exotic faraway destinations, at least not yet! And even so i understand even on such trips it can be hard (depending on location) to encounter such sizes. My best from the Maldives was only just shy of 19kgs.
That GT that monstered your 10kg BC outfit wouldn't be the last bruiser to snatch your light lure. It happens pretty often i guess, especially in exotic places like Marion. I've learnt through my light tackle forays that some pretty large fishes can be tamed on light gear when everything is set-up to perfection and the limit found and pushed, but GT? They are a totally different story!
Spawning aggresion could be a factor, but seriously, we are far from finding the truth. This is rural Malaysia, and the only source of consistent info comes from the guide and all he knows is that they aren't residential fish - probably on their migratory route and stopping by for a feed. Today we have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg and who knows what we'll find in the seasons to come? i'm excited!