Hi Steward
We fished at Stanage a few years ago & spent a couple of nights on the anchored behind a few Islands.
Some are low (little more than large rocks) and close to each other and because of the tidal flow may not offer any protection. There are a few beaches as such and because of the tidal movements beaching a boat may be problematic for taking off again.

I think the Islands are National parks and there is not much there except mozzies, midges and supposedly crocs, but we never saw any. Because of where they are there are quite a few yachts cruising these waters (usually just going past) and they anchor up for the night behind a few. It depends on the wind which ones are best and you may need to get there early (4pm) to get the best spots with the most protection. Some Yachts are a bit blase (or just inexperienced) so you need to be aware of swing room for some of them that put out miles of anchor chain

Because the area is generally shallow and the tide is big there is always a current associated with the tide (one direction as the tide rises & reverses as it falls) and it can be choppy if its running against the wind, so some of the anchorages give more protection on some tides.
Do a search on some of the yacht/cruising forums for recommendations.
Mud crabs are abundant but you need to move about 5ks from stanage as there are lots of local pro mud crab fishers as well as the locals so the close creeks do take a hiding.
There is a VMR (Volunteer Marine Rescue) at Stanage so join up (helps support them) and you have at least someone on shore in case of emergency.
Telstra phone reception is patchy but OK with an external aerial.