Randy, my brother and i, took a ride down to Wilmington NC and fished with are good friend Capt Rick Crosen from Living Water Charter's.
Bit sporty going out but as we arrived Capt Rick took no time to find huge mark's in 300ft...first drop all 3 of us hooked up.
The fishing was light's out in the mourning with huge AJ'S,Blackfin's and Grouper's. The afternoon the catching slowed some what, but the big boy's came out to play.
Thank you Capt Rick, you alway's treat us very graciously...you are truly
the best.
Gear used:
Temple Reef, R11,R13....Jigger
Temple Reef, Proto-Type, TRJ53EXH Spin...TRJ53EX Conv.
Temple Reef, STK
Stingo Proto-Type...''JFlo Special''
GL Atelier Long