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Jason Lai

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Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 12:57:46 AM
Hi, has anyone tried heavy jigging on Spinning or Conventional before? Which is more ease & suitable for that purposed.
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Jamie Moir

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 01:07:48 AM
Certainly there seems to be more power from the big OH reels.

Mark Harris

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 01:43:56 AM
This is an age old debate and there are VERY differing opinions :).

Personally I cannot get to grips with jigging with a conventional set up be it light or heavy, no matter how much I (used to) try.

However, many people I know do insist that it is easier on the body especially with heavy jigs. Shimano Ocea Jigger and the Accurate Boss ranges seem to be the most popular reels.
Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 01:48:59 AM by Mark Harris

Chris Webster

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 08:24:30 AM
Hi Jason,

I can jig comfortably with both but prefer spinning.
I tried to get into OH for a while but the Saltiga called me back.

I also think that if you are fishing for huge fish you cant beat the OH for the amount of hurt you can put on the fish....

Just my 2 cents worth :-)


Jamie Moir

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 10:39:33 AM
Personally I cannot get to grips with jigging with a conventional set up be it light or heavy, no matter how much I (used to) try.

Actually that was the split for me. My 15lb outfit is right-handed spin, pretty much everything above that is left-handed OH.

Peter Childs

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 02:28:32 PM
Jason, I run both types of outfits side by side in various weights.  I have PE3, 4, and 6 in spin and conventional and PE8 in spin only.  For what its worth, my observations are;

1) I prefer the overhead for "mechanical"speed jigging with bottom weighted jigs (I can settle into a nice rhythm), and jig from under the arm.
2) I prefer the spin gear for "flipping"centre weighted jigs using a more technical style (I can get a more varied range of rod movement from the spin gear) and jig from the belt.

A couple of other factors to consider include;

1) I have limited wrist movement and find the conventional gear easier to grasp when used under the arm
2) The height of the gunnel of the boat you fish from might limit your ability to jig from the belt (in some cases).
3) For a long day jigging, I continuously swap between the conventional and spin gear (and centre and bottom weighted jigs) to mix up the muscles and pressure spots on the body.  I can jig longer in deep water that way.

One additional general note is that spin gear can generally fish higher drags (although there are some conventional reels now sporting very high drag ratings) yet conventional reels have a greater range of spool sizes (allowing deep jigging with heavy braid)[/li][/list]

There you go, horses for courses really - if you are just starting out, get whatever outfit you can, and develop a style that works for you..........I'm sure it wont be the only one you own in the long run!

Jon Li

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 04:39:05 PM
More and more are looking for OH jigging outfit , especially the heavier rated ones but spinning jig outfit still dominate the market .

One thing I observe is that when using OH jigging outfit , the anglers use the upward winding movement of the handle to coincide with the lifting of the rod to conserve energy when deep jigging > 100m in strong current / using heavy jigs ( over 500 gr. ) .

Jon .
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Mark Harris

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 05:05:50 PM
One thing I observe is that when using OH jigging outfit , the anglers use the upward winding movement of the handle to coincide with the lifting of the rod to conserve energy when deep jigging > 100m in strong current / using heavy jigs ( over 500 gr. ) .

That makes sense from an energy conservation viewpoint, but I reckon you will lose a lot of action on the jig. The effect could be a bit like straight reeling.
Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 05:08:24 PM by Mark Harris

Jon Li

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 06:25:54 PM
One thing I observe is that when using OH jigging outfit , the anglers use the upward winding movement of the handle to coincide with the lifting of the rod to conserve energy when deep jigging > 100m in strong current / using heavy jigs ( over 500 gr. ) .

That makes sense from an energy conservation viewpoint, but I reckon you will lose a lot of action on the jig. The effect could be a bit like straight reeling.

Hi Mark ,

Depends on the jig used , center balanced jig should be ideal for slow action jigging associated with OH jigging outfit .

Jon .
It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so . Mark Twain .

Mark Harris

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 04, 2012, 10:48:02 PM
Yep good point Jon.

Andre van Wyk

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 05, 2012, 01:40:58 AM

As has been mentioned above, its very much a personal preference thing when choosing O/H or Spin....
I started on Spin ( the allure and sexiness of the Stella is hard to beat! ) and then moved over to jigging with O/H almost exclusively as I too find the Mechanical jigging action using an O/H set up easier to get into a groove with, and definitely easier when using heavier jigs ( 300grams plus ).

Recentl I've gotten back into using a Spinner more regularly as well, and am thuroughly enjuoying jigging with a spinner in the lighter jig weights again...
I agree with Peter in that one can certainly offer more variety in action more easily with a Spinning set up I find, but it is definitely more tiring with heavier weight jigs...

Try both if you can of course, as only time will tell which suits you best....

These days I'm pretty much 50/50 on anything under 300 grams, and about 80/20 for over 300 grams in favour of the O/H set ups... 
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Jason Lai

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 05, 2012, 05:18:19 AM
Thank you guys for all the comment. I have tried jigging using spin for light jigging and it work well for me. I received couple of comment on the O/H reel over spin for heavy jigging too. Currently i'm using an Accurate 665H  (low ratio) O/H, unfortunately I don't get to jig a 500grm jig so far. Hopefully this reels work for me if not i got to dig deeper to my pocket to get a spinning out fit.
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Steve Li

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
January 06, 2012, 03:54:55 AM
I use spinning gear exclusively. Don't have any issues with them jigging ultra light jigs of 12gm to heavy jigging with over 350gm jigs...... I have jigged 600gm with a spinning set-up but mainly with gimbal. Only drawback is you have less clearance from the boat railings compared to OH. 

Another advantage I noticed OH have over spinning is the angler can rest the rod on the railings while fighting fish (thats cheating I think).....  ;D

Chris Thomas

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Re: Spinning or Conventional best for Jigging?
February 16, 2012, 09:41:59 PM
I think line falls off an oh a bit quicker as well which can be handy when dripping jigs and there is a bit of current running.  I haven't timed it but it feels this way.