Abit of interesting read, the grip size was decided after testing with a focus group of anglers, where different sizes of grips were used to see which allowed the angler to exert the most force, and at the same time also hang on to a dead load for the longest period of time.
Hi Dan ,
The problem with " static " test is that , what really happens during the real time may somewhat differ .
For example , putting the gimbal lower , say the bottom part of the gimbal just above the knee may proved to be cumbersome when you have to move around the boat to anticipate the movement of the active fish , for me the most favourable position is to have the fulcrum of the rod butt at just about where my vital part is , with Caranx Kaibutsu long handle , this is not possible by a long shot .
As for grip , too small a grip feel slippery around my gloved hands which in real time , must move as one pumps the rod ( upand down ward as well as sideways ) , again to counteract the movements of the fish , I wud prefer a bit more diameter for the foregrip than the one on Caranx Kaibutsu .
Jon .