In the Maldives, Pew quite happily supports sportsfishing as an eco-friendly industry that can help further its legislative goals. In Canada, sportsfishing is rarely considered a political issue (commercial fishing is a different matter). There's no insurmountable reason that sportsfishing in Australia can't be similarly removed from the political battlefield, but I see little evidence of engagement between greens and anglers, just venom from anglers, and merry ignorance from the greens.
And yet there's plenty of common ground between sportsfishermen and greens...even Pew, as the Maldives outcome clearly demonstrates. I just think it's ridiculous that Aussie fishermen spend their time having to worry each election cycle about which side will win. And it's ridiculous that Nomad have to petition ministers to save what we know to be a sustainable and eco-friendly business.
Hi Ian,
This is how it is.
PEW = founded and funded by Oil Companies
Oil Companies = tap oil, spill oil and destroy the ocean.
Solution = found PEW and develop green public image
How = problems of the oceans are from overfishing and fisherman
Result = Oil Companies are Good and Fishing in any form is bad.
The Greens, Left Wing or whatever political bandwagon that wants to align their values and accept the loads of seemingly no-strings cash/funding is irresistible.
What agenda do you think the oil companies have for funding PEW? And why is PEW, a giant American interest want to be involved in Australian matters that should be dealt with by Australians?
I agree, there many value and ideals that fisherman an "greens" can align themselves with and it's a shame it's progressing down the path it currently is.
Sure there's poison but I'm not sure how you can say there is none from the greens - how so?