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Mark Harris

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Re: How not to.....
November 22, 2012, 11:35:05 PM
Or the beloved Carp in the UK, some of which have been caught and released 300 times!

Brandon and Dmitri make excellent points.

I would add a serious question about the implication that GTs are territorial/sedentary.  Maybe in some places, but the evidence is quite to the contrary in others.

Simon Bomholt

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 12:46:38 AM

Farid Badri

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 12:55:06 AM
Dmitrii, Mark

Thanks for the info and its very encouraging......from the reports that I have read about Tokara, I think the charter captains out there are very experienced and really know how to treat the fish......it would be very interesting to get more info about the fish that they caught 9 times.....for one thing I would love to know the size so we can get an idea of how fast these fish grow.....also it can inform us if the fish is territorial or actually moves about.

Some may misinterpret my earlier comments as being anti fishing.......however I dont think so, its more stating what actually happens on many Charter boats.........If you notice most of my "assumed" damage actually happens because we are trying to take a picture.......is that really necessary.......I mean for example there are Charter Captains that have very strict rules about what and how you take pictures of the fish that are being caught.............now if for a minute we consider my earlier comments are correct and realistic.....than would taking a Picture justify possible damage to the fish?

Guys my comments are really food for thought......and Im not really here to justify fishing, or not.........but since we have started to discuss the well being of a caught GT.....than how about we really put the facts out for us to properly discuss it......and may be even share some ideas that would help protect the fish even more.........

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 01:27:15 PM
Dmitrii, Mark

Thanks for the info and its very encouraging......from the reports that I have read about Tokara, I think the charter captains out there are very experienced and really know how to treat the fish......it would be very interesting to get more info about the fish that they caught 9 times.....for one thing I would love to know the size so we can get an idea of how fast these fish grow.....also it can inform us if the fish is territorial or actually moves about.

Some may misinterpret my earlier comments as being anti fishing.......however I dont think so, its more stating what actually happens on many Charter boats.........If you notice most of my "assumed" damage actually happens because we are trying to take a picture.......is that really necessary.......I mean for example there are Charter Captains that have very strict rules about what and how you take pictures of the fish that are being caught.............now if for a minute we consider my earlier comments are correct and realistic.....than would taking a Picture justify possible damage to the fish?

Guys my comments are really food for thought......and Im not really here to justify fishing, or not.........but since we have started to discuss the well being of a caught GT.....than how about we really put the facts out for us to properly discuss it......and may be even share some ideas that would help protect the fish even more.........

Appreciate your comments Farid, but I question whether you realise what the mantra and idealisms of the GTpopping.com website are.

You raise some good points but nothing that hasn't already been discussed or is actively being discussed.

We all understand the inherent issues of actually fishing for GT, and accept the implications in doing so. The simplest concept we wish to convey is fish for GT via the most safe, effective means whilst maintaining the best well-being and integrity for the fish.

Graham Scott

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 02:53:57 PM
Interesting that everyone appears to respect the fish and try their hardest to ensure their survival. Another issue arises that I have been very interested in for many years.
It cannot be denied that even the best CnR will kill a percentage of fish. I know at least one GT I have killed and decided to take it home for a BBQ. I would also assume maybe 1 in 20 have also died because of me.

However if the alternative is not to fish for them, then they have no value....and hence have no protection from the people who value them highly. If we couldn't fish for GT's (or any other species) then we would not get upset if they were netted to extinction. We wouldn't care if their habitat was destroyed. So unfortunately in the natural environment its the death (or potential death) of part of the population that actually ensures their long term survival.

I accept my role in the death of a number GT's...I also accept my reposnsibilty to ensure the survival of a healthy GT population. Including educating other fisherman about the best handling practices for catch and release.

It is far too easy to be highly critical of a mishandled fish. We as fishermen don't have to pass an exam to go fishing. It's the responsibilty of the experienced to help the inexperienced (such as this forum). Sometimes I think we are too quick to criticise and too slow to help.

Steve Li

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 03:32:49 PM
Interesting that everyone appears to respect the fish and try their hardest to ensure their survival. Another issue arises that I have been very interested in for many years.
It cannot be denied that even the best CnR will kill a percentage of fish. I know at least one GT I have killed and decided to take it home for a BBQ. I would also assume maybe 1 in 20 have also died because of me.

However if the alternative is not to fish for them, then they have no value....and hence have no protection from the people who value them highly. If we couldn't fish for GT's (or any other species) then we would not get upset if they were netted to extinction. We wouldn't care if their habitat was destroyed. So unfortunately in the natural environment its the death (or potential death) of part of the population that actually ensures their long term survival.

I accept my role in the death of a number GT's...I also accept my reposnsibilty to ensure the survival of a healthy GT population. Including educating other fisherman about the best handling practices for catch and release.

It is far too easy to be highly critical of a mishandled fish. We as fishermen don't have to pass an exam to go fishing. It's the responsibilty of the experienced to help the inexperienced (such as this forum). Sometimes I think we are too quick to criticise and too slow to help.

Ditto! Especially the last sentence. I believe the vast majority of forum members joins up to gain more "know how" and learn new things aside from imparting knowledge. As a community, it should be inclusive and supportive of each other. Advise, encourage and motivate......  Don't be too quick to criticise or shoot anyone down. At least thats my personal motto.  :D

With regards to the handling of the fish in that video, its unfortunate that nobody on the boat took the condition of the fish into consideration. Whether it was down to adrenalin flowing at the moment, the excitement or the lack of experience, I am sure they have learnt their lesson through this episode. Looking at the positives, at least this bunch will know better next time they land a GT!  ;)

Farid Badri

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 05:05:57 PM
Good Morning Gentlemen..........I have been reading everyones response with interest.......and maybe I was not very clear about my thoughts.

When I wrote what I did, it was not to criticize........or to even put an argument forward to stop fishing for GT's.......please reread my comments............what I was trying to convey was, as fisherman we should always keep the well being of the fish above all else (and the responses that have been put forward from everybody clearly shows that they do).........in this day and age of taking pics and posting I wonder how much damage we do to the fish because of the picture, and NOT because of catching the fish?

Graham Scott

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 09:10:30 PM
No criticism intended. I am sure I have killed more GT's than the novice in the video.. Likewise I am sure luke and Brandon and Mark Harris have killed more... But through forums like this they have probably saved 100's or thousands of fish and raised the awareness of the value of GT's worldwide. I will never complain about someone new catching the fish of a lifetime...and killing it. What I hope is they also learn something about saving the next fish they catch

I just get upset with emotional criticism of someone who is only going to catch and kill a handful of fish from people who practice good catch and release practices but in reality have probably killed many more fish...educate don't complain

Brandon Khoo

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 09:48:25 PM
I wish this thread would just die a natural death but as you have come back to it, let me respond. There was nothing in your original post about how fishermen should keep the well-being of fish above all else. Your original post questioned the value and success of catch and release. I responded accordingly.

The ethos of this forum is all about catch and release. We had previously been of the opinion that there was a reasonable level of knowledge on how to handle fish previously but we were obviously mistaken based on the post that was the genesis of this thread. We have therefore taken action to try to promote more knowledge on this.

In terms of criticism, it happens rarely and for the most part, it is done by PM, however, I want to make it clear that it is a privilege that Luke and I retain.

Have you guys noticed, that some parts of the world that have been very famous for big sized GT's.....you don't seem to hear from them anymore? yes we can say the fish are smarter....but we are talking about fish......and from my understanding GTs are territorial.....so where are they?

.........but at the same time, I'm honest about the effect of "Catch and release"........if anyone has a different opinion/view/logical argument please post it.......

If it swims; I want to catch it!

Graham Scott

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Re: How not to.....
November 23, 2012, 10:13:38 PM
Going popping tomorrow but unlikely to take any photos and I don't care whether or not anyone sees the fish I catch.