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Sam Beeby

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ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 09, 2008, 04:58:36 PM
Thinking of getting either the 4000 (4.9:1 = 112cm) or the 4000P (4.1:1 = 92cm).

Curious what retrieve you think is better for kingy jigging in up to 150m of water? ie  if using PE6 or 8 run out to 120m, I'm wondering what spool diameter would be remaining and whether the 4.1:1 would then be too slow down in the strike zone?
Normally I'd go straight for a 90cm'ish retreive but then I've always used a Z40 ishidai which is nowhere near as narrow and maintains its retrieve speed with a fair bit of line out, so am unsure.

Also, do the OJ's in the 4000/5000 size have a spool click?

Thanks for any help

Greg Burt

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 09, 2008, 10:05:19 PM
All the Kiwi YTK overhead jiggers swear by the 4000P, Cam had his 5000P at Marion Reef working on the Doggies and was quite a hit with the crew, had Damon ducking for cover when he locked up :o.
 I gave it a go too, not bad for an overhead ;D.
 No clicker
Greg 'FFF' Burt


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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 10, 2008, 06:31:14 AM
Only the trini40 narrows have spool click andf they are the most popular with my mates who also use them for livebaiting.

I would go the highest possible retrieve fishing for kings in that sort of depth. and the oj4000 is gold and pretty :D

Sam Beeby

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 10, 2008, 12:52:37 PM
so the trini40 is the equivalent of the OJ4000 for frame/spool width/capacity, and the OJ5000 is wider again is it? Does the trini40 come with the same claimed 15kg drag or is it different/inferior to the jap spec model? 
I could also just narrow down to the Saltiga 30T or Z30 ishi - dunno still thinking.

Greg Burt

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 10, 2008, 02:14:17 PM
The Trinnie has the 15kg drag or go up to the Torsa with it's multi-cam drag system
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Ian Cook

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 10, 2008, 04:17:39 PM
I have a Trini 40N on order and have bought and the Ocea Jigger handle upgrade direct from Shimano, so it will basically be a Ocea 4000 except for the spool lock.




Sam Beeby

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 12, 2008, 05:06:08 AM
can the slower OJ4000P gears be swapped into a Trini40N or do shaft sizes, dogs etc not line up?


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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 12, 2008, 06:08:10 AM
why do you need slower?

Andrew Woodley-Page

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 13, 2008, 03:01:13 AM
there's a million threads on this here and elsewhere......
4000P hands down, trini 40N is no comparison, they dont have comparable drag stacks amongst other things.  From experience with 2 Trini30's & a 40, dont expect the out of box drag (which is ok)to last too long.
Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 03:07:02 AM by Andrew Woodley-Page

Cam Foley

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 13, 2008, 06:00:42 AM
One hell of a reel the 4000p or 5000p are the go for jigging, have spooled mine with 130lb so will do my best to break it.

Sam Beeby

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
July 13, 2008, 09:31:25 PM
I'd always thought that the 4:1 would be more appropriate for the same reason that evryone jigs with the 20,000 stella's and EXP6500's over the 10,000's and dogfights - just more mechanical advantage over jig and fish - but then again i've never really jigged with fast reels so I can't really compare.

As far as the 40N versus OJ4000 drag goes, would a carbontex job  on the 40N make it competitive with the OJ4000's or are the drag stacks designed completely differently in the OJ's eg wider etc?

Chris Wong

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Re: ocea jigger 4000 questions
August 23, 2008, 01:04:28 PM
I import a range of Carbontex drag washers and Cals drag components especially for the OJ's and TN's.  I can state that the drag stack for OJ4000/5000 is exactly the same as TN40N.  The OJ4000P/5000P is different because of the lower gear ratio.  The drag washers on the P model are 2mm smaller in diameter than those of the OJ4000/5000 and TN40N because of the smaller diameter main gear. So it would seem that the P models have slightly LESS drag than the higher speed reels.

We have specially cut Carbontex drag washers for the smaller diameter OJ4000P/5000P.  These upgrades lift the factory drags from "15kg" up to 25kg so far.  This may vary between individual reels though.