Thanks for all the ideas .
I have been looking for a small waterproof tackle bag for quite a while and was trying to avoid the stuff sack concept because it looks like its a pain to find thinks at the bottom and most of them seem so deep. I was toying with the idea of useing a soft cooler style bag but I know it would get destroyed in no time
I have seen the big Shout bags and they look great but I am after a small bag and it must be waterproof and robust.
I already have a Shimano Banar deck bag that is great as a big gear bag for traveling, its very light and close to waterproof and fits most things needed on an extended trip
The Bristol Bay bag looks the goods to me for short day trips(I have just ordered one) I like the fact it is small enough to use as hand luggage on the planes if needed but large enough to fit a couple of reels and a camera...I hope

Rob and Malcolm....if you guys both have these bags allready does that mean I have to get my mum to put my name on it
