The Shoalwater DVD is actually based on 2006, not this year. Damon did want to film this year but their cameraman got injured and had to go into hospital on the eve of the trip. I for one am thankful for that. If any of you read the trip report on the Nomad site, I would never have lived down the incident where I dented the new rails on one of the dories if it had been filmed.
You see, this imbecile (me)

decided that he had lost too many lures and that in the really shallow areas which were covered in bommies that he needed to really wind the drag up. I've obviously been listening to Jon too much with his "no line out" principle.
Well, the stickbait got smacked by a massive fish that would have 50kg+. It was a huge fish in really shallow water. Damon reverses and I'm in that squatting position with the rod high. With a drag set at about 18 to 20kg, well, something has to give and it was me. I got pulled over the rails and both my feet lifted about six inches to a foot off the deck. Thank God the Nomad deckie Liam pulled me back down. That wasn't the end of it. Damon then drives out but the fish didn't like that idea and it pulled back. As a result I got slammed into the rails and dented them and then i was bouncing back and forth as the fish and Damon played pinball with me. If Aaron had filmed that..........
I was actually quite sure I had cracked a rib initially but it was only bruised. Not my finest moment