Hey Guys,
I came up with the twisted leader system after guide failure while casting bulbous leader knots back in 2002 on Nomad. I started with twisted 40lb on 50lb gear & quickly went up as the GT's got bigger and the rods & reel s drag setting capacities went through the roof.
I was after a slim connection from bimini to heavy leader. The twists add needed stretch under heavy load.
The system i use is twisted 150lb Jinkai, Shogun or Harris Shock Leader. 3m in length.
At the bitter end is a 300lb yozuri ball bearing swivel that is attached via uni knot.
However, I use 45-60cm of 120-150lb single strand wire from the swivel, to a solid jig ring that has a 11H Owner Hyperwire ring or Varivas 400lb split ring for quick lure changes.
I have seen big GT's wear through Twisted 100lb fluorocarbon...I have seen them knaw through 300lb single strand fluorocarbon.....single strand prevents a swallowed lure from being bitten off...its'the same rig for wahoo & dogtooth.
Line is Varivas GT Avani 10PE (130lb) with a 50-60 turn bimini as the double.
Leader attachment can be via a cats paw knot or better yet, pull the bimini through the twisted leader loop and pull the leader through the middle and to the right, then up the middle, over the other "leg"and to the left....do this 4 times around each leg, lubricate and snug down.
It doesn't foul...doesn't smash guides...has stretch and abbrassion resistance...and the wire acts as a thin spacer between the twisted leader & the lure....150lb single strand is pretty thin and inconspicuous!!!
Thats my usual rig...and it works for me.
Hope this helps.