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June 26, 2007, 08:40:43 PM
My Names Blake, I Am Looking At Starting Jigging But Havent Got A Clue What Gear To Use, I Amlooking At Buying A Starlo Stix Duo Jig Rod And Putting A 950 Spinfisher On It, If Anyone Can Give Me Types On What Type Braid And Knots Etc To Use I Will Be Very Greatfull
Thanks Blake

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Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 08:52:03 PM by Luke Wyrsta

Ben Keller

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June 26, 2007, 09:00:51 PM
Hi Blake,

for jigging, learn this knot, http://www.jigsdirect.com/eMerchantPro/pc/fishing_knots.asp takes a wee bit of practice but its really fast, smooth and strong.

Cant offer any advice on the jig rod, but are you looking at getting one of the new penns?

Tufline XP is good pretty cheap braid, but to be honest the only 'bad' braid for jigging I found was some 30 dollar stuff off trademe (auction site), needless to say I was skinned at the time. If you dont mind spending the cash the coloured braid is good, but I dont really miss it fishing for YT kingfish, theyre near the bottom most of the time anyway.



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June 26, 2007, 09:05:26 PM
ill be putting an old spinfisher on because its all i have atm, if i like jigging ill invest in a tcurve and a spheros and maybe some 50-80lb sensor, ill be targeting kings, rat sanbos

Ben Keller

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June 27, 2007, 09:26:24 AM
Oh, youll enjoy it alright. Trouble is after you get hooked on action packed jigging, it makes trolling and bait fishing pretty dull...

From what I hear you need to make sure both of anti reverse mechanisms are engaged (the one that makes a woeful din, in addition to the silent one) and the old spinfisher will do the business.

Chris Lian

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June 30, 2007, 12:59:14 PM
Cannot agree more with Ben, you will enjoy jigging it's like a drug. Do yourself a justice by buying good gear and not cheap and nasty ones. They have a bad habit of breaking down when fishing!!


Jay Burgess

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July 01, 2007, 10:50:02 PM
Trouble is after you get hooked on action packed jigging, it makes trolling and bait fishing pretty dull...

Too right mate  ;D

Andrew Woodley-Page

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July 02, 2007, 07:34:40 PM

The tackle selection these days is unreal. It wasn't that long ago that the tackle selection was quite easy as the offerings were few.  That's certainly not the case now with a vast range from many manufacturers covering a broad price spectrum.

I remember when the Fin Nor Ahab 20 was released in the early '90's I said "who the hell would spend $420 on a spinning reel?" A mate reminded me I said that the other day when he was admiring my 3 Saltigas, Stella, Certate Hyper, Certate Custom and a Branzino......... and I don't even like spinning reels!.......anyway, I digress.

When selecting equipment for an initial go at a specific fishing method, and the vast choice does make things both easy and confusing, there are 3 basic alternatives;

1. Put together an outfit from tackle you already own.
2. Purchase a specialist outfit with a budget in mind.
3. Purchase a top shelf expensive outfit

My advice is 1. followed very quickly by 3!  Do a couple of trips and catch a few good fish using some existing equipment to see if jigging is your game.  You can also borrow some mates gear if they have superior gear to yours, just so you can feel the difference.

Once you have enjoyed a specific type of fishing and wish to pursue it as one of or exclusively your main forms of angling, then my suggestion is to go for the top shelf.  You will see many references from experienced anglers who purchased mid range gear only to upgrade constantly wasting money in the process - buy once buy well. 

There will be responses to this suggesting this rod or that reel for $250 etc, and that this reel or that generic rod will be most servicable, do yourself a favour - forget it.  You will only want to upgrade within a few months to more powerful, longer lasting better performing quality gear.  When I add up what I spent on lesser gear compared to if I had purchased top shelf gear in the first place............

If you already own the 950SS then good - use that and buy a premium rod.  Your '950' will be fine, pretty damn good in fact.  There are mods and upgrade parts from Japan to increase performance should you want to.  This reel will make an excellent 'back up' reel when you advance. 

There is good quality second hand equipment available on private sales boards and that's a great place to buy top shelf and save.  There are scams on ebay so don't take a chance.

Specific recommendations are personal, rod action is also personal - try everything.  When you come to purchase, if you select from the list below you cant go wrong. 

Overhead jigging reels that I have used and enjoyed (not in any specific order)
Progear Oceanus *
Accurate Boss Magnum
Studio Ocean "Blue Heaven" L-120
Shimano Ocea Jigger
Daiwa Saltiga Z

I will also add;
Shimano Torsa - a great reel though in my opinion only average for jigging (a lighter, 4:1, longer handled Torsa would be perfect - or a lever drag Ocea Jigger!)
Alutechnos Gorilla - Haven't used one - looks the goods - love to try one

Spinning Reels - stick to Saltiga or Stella 

Jigging Master *
Tuna Max

Braid -
YGK Gallis
Daiwa Saltiga

I recon tuffline is damn good - pretty rough but handles jigging very well.  Smoother 8 braids are better for casting, but for jigging TL is fine and pretty cheap.

Knots -
bimini double (some dont tie doubles at all)
Albright or GT knot to leader, others recommend PR knot also.

None of the above is cheap, save untill you can afford it, it's worth it, and cheaper, in the end.

* I have the Australian distribution for Jigging Master and Progear as such I declare my interest.

My Names Blake, I Am Looking At Starting Jigging But Havent Got A Clue What Gear To Use, I Amlooking At Buying A Starlo Stix Duo Jig Rod And Putting A 950 Spinfisher On It, If Anyone Can Give Me Types On What Type Braid And Knots Etc To Use I Will Be Very Greatfull
Thanks Blake

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Brandon Khoo

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July 04, 2007, 08:19:16 AM
Andrew - how do you find the hyper-Certate?
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Andrew Woodley-Page

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July 04, 2007, 10:11:28 PM
Hi Brandon,
A bit too early to say, I havent been fishing much recently.  I have heard some say that saltiga gearing in a Certate isn't necessary, and perhaps they're right. 

However, my friends in Asia that do a lot of light jigging with the 3500HD wore gears out after a couple of seasons very heavy use.  Please understand that this is only a report and not my opinion, I would love to catch enough fish to wear out a reel!  The reporter said that the gears did feel 'loose' and were noticibly worn on inspection, but again I reiterate constant jigging for 2 years is pretty harsh. 

This (I am told) is why Daiwa introduced the Saltiga gearing in the Hyper range.  All the small Daiwas are fantastic.  I look forward to belting up the certate and branzino this coming season.

Andrew - how do you find the hyper-Certate?

David Sharples

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October 10, 2007, 06:38:27 PM
This is going to open a can of worms but has asnyone tried using the Daiwa Saltist 30 narrow for jigging? Its only a one off really so don't want to spend $400 on a new reel. Will it hold up to 6 days of abuse?

If I have to retire it after that then so be it!

Is it worth upgrading the drag? Max currently is 22lb I think.. No idea what drag you need to run for jigging for big fish... If I put the drag upgrade in what do you reckon it'll push the max drag to?

Cam Foley

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October 10, 2007, 06:51:14 PM
From i have herd there is an issue with the drag in the saltist range.I would go for the Shimano Torium will last the 6 days and some.I start with a drag setting of around 12kg and crank it up if i need to.If a fish can pull 12kg of drag at a descent speed you no it's a good one.

Hon-Su Chin

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October 11, 2007, 09:52:37 AM
the issue in the Saltist 30 is no issue, just take drag washers out and lightly clean off excess grease. They all come with too much grease in the washers or you could just replace them with carbontex washers.

Brad the Shimano Duo Stick is a relatively light tackle stick, only rated to 30lb. Unless you plan to jig with 30lb then the 950 is too big for it.

What line class are you planning to run on the 950?? coz either way the reel dont match the rod or vice versa.