Hi Chris,
Sorry to hear that your trip to Northern Madagascar didn't produce the goods. I can say that the fishing in that area, or at least a little bit further south around the Mitsio islands, is normally excpetional for GT's - admittedly not too much water is popper friendly, but the GT action on the jig is normally fast and furious - 10-20 kilo fish a daily occurence, with normally a couple of chances at bigger (30-60 kilo) fish. I have experienced this on every trip i have gone on in that area (next one in August - fingers crossed!) I know of fish (weighed/verified) of up to 63 kilo's being taken in Courrier Bay, and honest reports of bigger fish (66-68 kg) being landed - even if this is a little exagerated it does show the potential of the place.. It will be sad if the commercial fleet is starting to abuse the stocks - again, i know around Mitsio the reef / bottom structure would make this difficult (although not impossible)..
Who did you go with - Phillippe Marrone / Hotel Emeraude out of Diego....?