We need to be very careful in what is written and not be so quick to publicly condem a fellow hunter, because ultimately
thats what we all are, in one form or another, we are hunters. By publicly stating that what he did was wrong only
provides fuel to those who wish to take away our rights to be able to do what we all like to do, and thats to catch fish,
be it for food and/or sport. This forum is open to anyone who has a computer and is online, and believe you me, these
people who seek to undermine our rights have nothing better to do, than simply trawl through various forums such as
this, that, according to them are simply based upon cruelty and inhumane practiceses against harmless and defenseless
creatures. They view themselves as the crusaders that will ultimately put a stop to what we all enjoy doing by
gathering comments such as those made above, taking them out of context, compiling them and then tabling them
before the so called il-informed law makers and decision makers in order to suite their own agenda. They simply base
their argument on this information, for now they have irrefutable evidence that these practiceses should be stopped by
stating that even the people involved in this sport have stated that this should not be allowed, and that my friends will
be the beginning of the end for all of us because they believe that meat/fish is wrapped in plastic and not fur/scales.
We need to act as one unified body if we wish to continue doing what we enjoy doing and for the record the fish was