WELL.....The weather gods were certainly not kind.

Myself and Greg had planned to pop out of Suva for the week and we were greeted by another visitor......That of course being Mr 'Cyclone Thomas'.

To be honest we knew this system was around and we nearly cancelled our trip on several occasions.
BUT....we didn't...

....and decided to run with it knowing we may lose a couple of days.
We arrived Saturday night with a shocking looking forecast and I think we both thought the trip may be a complete right off.
Sunday was a non fishing day regardless but we ended up losing both the Monday and Tuesday also.
It was a shame and with a curfew placed on the entire city we were left with not much to do...

We were forced to stay in our Hotel and 'fill in' the time.
Yes we had a few drinks here and there...

......and watched every movie they had on offer.
The fishing began Wednesday afternoon and we popped several areas relatively close to home.
Although the action was slow immediately after the passing cyclone we did manage some fish for the afternoon with two very small GT's around 4kg a piece and I managed a fish around the 20kg mark late in the afternoon.
Thursday, we began the day earlier and started at an in close spot with some nice current.
Greg picked up a very nice fish here of close to 30kg which was a top start to the day.
The main plan for Thursday though was to run through the river and emerge on the other side to pop the surrounding islands.Although I have done this run before the run through the river is really really enjoyable with awesome scenery along the way.The villagers get just as excited as we were and we had kids everywhere waving,screaming and just wrapped to see us pass.
Thursday turned out to be quite a good day with some hungry GT's willing to play the game.
Greg picked up a second fish similar in size to the first and I picked up two fish at around 20kg.We also landed several smaller fish up to about 10kg.
Friday the plan was the same however the fishing was alot tougher with only a few fish landed the whole day.
Greg got a a 20kg fish quite early and I followed with a small one but from here on in it was a shut down.

I landed a nice Bluefin and a small GT in the afternoon just before we headed back home to pack the bags.
Considering what could have been I was quite happy we got amongst some nice fish.
Thankfully Cyclone Thomas headed off and gave us a few days.
We caught fish on just about all lures we tried and I think Greg managed to land a fish on every lure he used.
Everything From Craftbaits,Orions,Cubera's,Labo's,Skipjack's,Jai's and Adheks were thrown around and I think only the one fish was landed on a stickbait which was of course an orion bigfoot in the fusilier colour.
Some pics....Greg may have some others..?
