A quick email to Nomad might be in order to get that answered?
I currently own a slightly custom lime green 82LC (purchased this year) and previously had a standard model which I sold as I fell for the lime green. For what it is worth (probably little), there is no discernible difference in performance.
Mark, surely the lime green casts faster
, love the color options for the ripples, what color bindings on the lime green LC? I really want to try one of these LC's one day. My buddy cast one for miles but I have not seen a fish fight on one yet.
The minimal binding is black and green. Of course it casts faster.. Lamborghini fast

It is a really excellent rod Andy. Casts a mile if you really want to fling one and (more importantly for me) is so easy on the body. Superb stickbait rod and handles chuggers to 160 grams without too many issues. Good fighting rod as you would expect from a Ripple and has more grunt than most folks would expect.
Interestingly, this weekend I intend to do a direct comparison between this fella and a Carpenter DJ83MH - a rod which instinctively feels most similar.