Hello Guys, i am new for this forum, but i always heard good news about it.
My name is Vincenzo Caccico and this is my first encounter with a over 50 kg

Fc labo are my favourite poppers i am usung a lot in my trip but they need stronger aisi 316, 2,2 mm
It'is About 5 month i am fishing in Yemen for Big GT and I always wanted to fish monster GT lice in New Caledonia and Australia, but however, let me show you some pictures to explain This new trip.

This is my first GT caught in Yemen in May without shockleader after many tears.

This is the Indian ocean Galapagos, named Socotra a beautiful place for stay and fishing.

I recommend to fish here, the use of 170 lb braid strong rods and 240+ leader wiith 50 cm of wire, big GT swallow poppers destroing the leader with teeth

Old and young fisherman

One GT cought with dumbell pop

Hot's Gipang 75 xh my favourite rods for Large mouth

We use Local boat 8 mt with 40 cv engine enouth for fishing with the condition of the sea are good..

Medium size in Yemen is incredible 35 40 kg
Sorry for my bad english but I am from Italy and in mediterranean sea there are no GT
