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Chris Rogerson

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Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
February 09, 2011, 10:53:19 AM
Hi Guys! I have been a long time lurker and now first time poster on this forum, It's a great site with a stack of info.


Does anyone have any opinions on these rods I am considering the SG57S-5/6F.

I would love to build something but the blank options really are quite limited. and overall I was really impressed with the feel finish and components on this stick?

Thanks for the help!

Chris Rogerson

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
April 10, 2011, 08:31:14 PM
Went ahead and bought this rod, performed flawlessly and was very easy to use on middling kings while still putting the hurt on the f#*%king whalers, if any one wants a specific opinion let me know.

marinco koj

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
April 15, 2011, 09:19:30 PM
Saltiga rods are great for the price, some you can high stick and still take the rod home in one piece, can't argue with that.


Enoch Li

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
May 31, 2011, 06:17:33 AM
I added a Saltiga (pre-2010) PE3 rod to my arsenal.  Total length is 6'6".  Power is M.

I have only good things to say about the blank.  I've high stick'd the rubys off of it and still one one piece. I like JDM Hiramasa lineup as well.  Heard good things about them from my counterparts in Japan.
I've learned what I am really after
comes along with what is caught at the
end of my line...

Sha Zhang

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
May 31, 2011, 07:45:49 PM
I have had a play with the new rane over the weekend at the shops felt good in the hand and very nice action.

Tony Giang

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 11, 2011, 05:18:08 PM
Do you guys think it's worth paying that much for the Saltiga rods?
For the price of the rods I think their are better alternatives. Especially since most of them are made in Thailand.

Peter Childs

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 11, 2011, 05:56:04 PM
I've had/got a few Saltiga rods, I'm very fond of most of their blanks.  I have found however that the butt lengths are a little shorter than a lot of rods.

On the casting rods, I like this - it makes them a little easier to work surface stickbaits (tread carefully if popping is your game).  However, I find the Jig rods a little short in the butt.  If you are a large unit, check em out before you buy, better suited to shorter arms - particularly for mechanical jigging under the arm.  I have reversed the reel seats on a couple that I really like in order to extend the butt (lock up rather than lock down) which has woked out well.

If the length doesn't suit, check out the Smith AMJ range, I find them to have very similar actions to the saltiga jig rods and a little longer in the butt!  Sometimes you can pick them up a little cheaper as well

I've never broken a Saltiga blank, and I've done some nasty things to them.  Cant recommend them highly enough.

I've owned 63S (x 2), dorado 70s and 80s, 80TN (a real keeper), Hiramasa 56HS - cracking kingfish rod if you reverse the seat, and finally an Extreme 56XHFS - a wicked doggie jig rod with reversed reel seat.

Tony Giang

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 12, 2011, 04:38:01 AM

At the current exchange rate, the rod only cost AUD$240.
Motackle is selling the Hiramasa 63S for $575. We're getting ripped HARD.

Peter Childs

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 12, 2011, 05:46:21 PM

I note they are all listed as out of stock - pretty easy to list a rediculous price when you have no stock!

Tony Giang

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 12, 2011, 06:35:11 PM

I note they are all listed as out of stock - pretty easy to list a rediculous price when you have no stock!

It was in stock a few days ago. Someone just recently bought it.
A friend of mine purchased one.
If you look at their other rods in stock, you will notice that the pricing is alot better than others.

Chris Rogerson

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
February 22, 2012, 12:58:57 PM
This had been a great pe4 jig rod matched to a stella 8000pg plenty of punch, loads up very well and seems easy to fight with for long periods.

Richard Ghalayini

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Re: Daiwa saltiga 2010 jigging rods?
June 26, 2012, 04:10:11 PM
I felt the new deep 55s it feels nicer than the older one I guess 10 years newer technology went in it as it had sort of a parabolic action like the smith amjs more forgiving feel on the angler.