Chris:- Well waking up today to look out the window to awesome weather just kicked the day off already. As soon as the boat was ready and the guys were on boat we were off. We started a fair way down south near the new anchorage found a nice sneaky bommy with pretty much the whole edge full of fussies which starts the day off well. We pulled a couple of nice GTs from there between the 20 to 28kg mark. We then pursued some longtails and had a ball on them. I then decided to move further south and start playing with some GTs again pulled a couple more which was good. The afternoon session was great although we didn't boat any it was chaotic and kept us on our toes. Lots of bust offs. We were seeing them and hooking them but not boating any. I think tomorrow will be even better. It seems as the tides build so does the fishing. Just goes to show you how important the flow of water is, no run no fun.....
Nick: When we woke up today I could have sworn we were in a different part of the world for once this trip the wind was below 20 kts and the sea was flat as a lake. We were moving anchorages and everyone was pretty happy with that as the fishing has been rather slow the last few days and the weather hasn't really given us a break. We did notice a lot more activity around bait patches today but we were still having some bad luck with staying hooked up. The guys were managing to raise and hook fish but staying tight was another story. Landing two nice Gt's today and a few mackerel was still enough to keep the guys casting as we were still seeing fish. A nice swim at lunch was a must as the weather was so good we couldn't resist but to stop and soke up the beautiful scenery that Bugatti has to offer. Another great day at the office.