@Patrick: How did you calculate that? That is a bit more than stated for other PE8 lines.
I only managed to spool around app. 230 meter og JB130 solid on my 18000 spool. I will only be training with this amount of line - not actually try to catch a GT with it 
Best regards,
Hey guys,
I would also like to know how much 100/130 fits on a 18k Stella spool?
Also how does the jb compare to Varivas casting and strength wise? Is 100lb actually more or true to what's stated? How do I order some?
Cheers chris
18000 spool holds about 365 meters of JB100 hollow ( 130 lb abs) . at least mine do
Peter.. maby I did my post a bit unclear.. I have spooled up my sw18000 spool with 365 meters of JB 100 holllow that actually is around 120-130lb ABS (I did not spool my reel with 130 lb solid ) accourding to tests done by several ppl .. Paulus included
When it comes to spooling up JB hollow ( I have no experience with the solid),, you need to spool it up with about 7-10 kg of drag so you pack it real tight.
this is the spool capacity of stella spools if spooled up correct,,
courtesy of Basil Papas ( these are real numbers of spool capacity )
STELLA 6000 PE3 325
STELLA 6000 60 170
STELLA 8000 PE4 325
STELLA 8000 60 225
STELLA 10000 60 275
STELLA 10000 80 200
STELLA 10000FA 80 200
STELLA 16000 60 350
STELLA 18000 60 450
STELLA 18000 80 325
STELLA 18000 100 400
STELLA 18000 PE8 325
STELLA 20000 60 550
STELLA 20000 80 400
STELLA 20000 100 450
STELLA 20000M 60 625
STELLA 20000M 100 500
STELLA 20000PG 100 475
My own formula that I know is right ( as I spooled up my SOM 16000 spool with JB100 hollow ) is that you get aprox 82 % of JB 100 hollow on a spool compared with the amout of JB 60 hollow you get on it.
16000 spool holds 350 yd's of JB60
82% of 350=297 yd's=262 meters of JB100 hollow.