I am hoping to get back there at some stage to New Cal.
seriously (with-out being rude at all or anything),
(I am not saying at all that smoking and or smokings do/do not happen, i am yet to actually see it happen or being able to put my hand up and say yes-it has happened to me because so far it has not mind you sadly i have only ever done 1 trip. On my first ever trip to New Cal; my expectation's of it happening on the trip (to me personally) were on a scale between i would say 8 to 10.
did it happen at all - no, did i lose a lure at all due to a smoking - no.

with that being said i am not saying at all that (it will and or will not happen to you-Mark) - but two thing's i did say is that (1) - Mark should not and will not have any problem's at all, and (2) - I maybe wrong; but maybe i am not and will not be.