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Brandon Khoo

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
October 16, 2011, 09:38:36 PM
Wan, that DVD was professionally done. There is no way that someone taking a segment of Kenji San retrieving a Gamma is going to produce something as good as that. If you are struggling to get a Gamma swimming properly, find someone who knows how to work one and get them to show you.

We are not going to NC - our trip was supposed to be next week but was cancelled due to mechanical problems.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Wan Izhan

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
October 17, 2011, 01:43:39 AM
Wan, that DVD was professionally done. There is no way that someone taking a segment of Kenji San retrieving a Gamma is going to produce something as good as that. If you are struggling to get a Gamma swimming properly, find someone who knows how to work one and get them to show you.

We are not going to NC - our trip was supposed to be next week but was cancelled due to mechanical problems.

yup2, agreed 100% with you Brandon. That DVD is well documented.
Just wonder if by any chance someone taping Kenji action during the trial day. Thats all.

Kenji supposed to fish LPB with you this week right? Mechanical problems?


Tak Otsuka

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 03, 2011, 12:29:11 PM
Just very short report for the day... Duncan from Fish Head will write for the day in details on their news letter and please sign up if you are not on their mailing list.

We had 11 rods on display for everyone to try:





plus three of future coming prototype rods. (I'll announce those when they are officially finalized.)

Konishi san demonstrating his casting and lure technique.

We had good time with great weather and my thanks to Fishhead for organizing and hosting the day. To everyone came for the day, I hope everyone enjoyed the day and found it useful in establishing what rod may suit you.

Antonino Augugliaro

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 03, 2011, 08:50:59 PM
Nice meeting, good opportunity for lucky anglers to check top level rods  :)
I'd like some detailes and impression (casting and stickbait working) for EP 82/38. Thanks a lot

Andy Rowe

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 12:24:49 PM
Nice meeting, good opportunity for lucky anglers to check top level rods  :)
I'd like some detailes and impression (casting and stickbait working) for EP 82/38. Thanks a lot

I hope to be able to comment on the 82/38's ability to handle GT's after next week ;)
Set the ray to GeeT

Tak Otsuka

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 02:10:43 PM
Nice meeting, good opportunity for lucky anglers to check top level rods  :)
I'd like some detailes and impression (casting and stickbait working) for EP 82/38. Thanks a lot

I hope to be able to comment on the 82/38's ability to handle GT's after next week ;)

Hi Antonino,

It is very versatile rod and work well on both medium size poppers and stickbaits. I'll consider this rod as alternative to CV79/40 when I need longer casting distance. CV79/40 has softer tip and bit more all rounder in terms of lure selection and it can be used with higher drag for larger fish.

Andy - looking forward hearing your impression next week ;)


Antonino Augugliaro

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 04:48:53 PM
Thanks for detailes Mr. Otsuka.
I will wait whit interest Andy's review for field test.
Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 05:34:49 PM by Antonino Augugliaro

Stu Hardy

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 04:58:44 PM
As will I. I am trying to decide between an EP or the Coral Viper or the Ripple Fisher Ultima 79H as a stickbait rod for GT.

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 06:14:13 PM
not really comparing like with like there, Stu. The EP and CV are essentially PE8 rods whereas the 79H Ripple is built for PE10. You should be comparing it to the 79MH.

As will I. I am trying to decide between an EP or the Coral Viper or the Ripple Fisher Ultima 79H as a stickbait rod for GT.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Stu Hardy

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 04, 2011, 06:19:49 PM
Brandon.  Thanks for the info.

Duncan O'Connell

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 05, 2011, 10:03:47 AM

Comparing the rods here in the shop, the EP 85/36 has tip stiffness similar to the Ultimo 79H, but the bottom end of the Ripple Fisher is a step heavier.
The extra power of the Ripple is great if you are wanting to fish PE10, but the length of the EP85/36 makes distance casting and working of the lures very easy. The EP82/38 was also a very nice rod to use, it has a touch more power than the 85/36 but won't cast quite as far with the shorter length.

The Coral Viper is stiffer at the tip than the other two rods, it makes a great all-round stickbait/medium popper rod. However, if you are looking for something more dedicated to stickbaiting, then I would look more at the EP or Ultimo. Alternatively, the FCL EXT81MH and Zenaq Fokeeto 83-7 are also worth considering in this class of rod.


Fish Head - Specialist Fishing Tackle

Stu Hardy

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 05, 2011, 10:11:27 AM

Thanks very much for the great comparison.


Jay Burgess

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 05, 2011, 12:21:57 PM

Comparing the rods here in the shop, the EP 85/36 has tip stiffness similar to the Ultimo 79H, but the bottom end of the Ripple Fisher is a step heavier.
The extra power of the Ripple is great if you are wanting to fish PE10, but the length of the EP85/36 makes distance casting and working of the lures very easy. The EP82/38 was also a very nice rod to use, it has a touch more power than the 85/36 but won't cast quite as far with the shorter length.

The Coral Viper is stiffer at the tip than the other two rods, it makes a great all-round stickbait/medium popper rod. However, if you are looking for something more dedicated to stickbaiting, then I would look more at the EP or Ultimo. Alternatively, the FCL EXT81MH and Zenaq Fokeeto 83-7 are also worth considering in this class of rod.



I think I need to buy an EP82/38  ;D

Mark Harris

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 05, 2011, 12:27:24 PM
It's next on my list as well Jay.  Nearly bought one when I got the Monster Hunter 80H... but two new Carpenters in one day would have caused a domestic riot.

Jay Burgess

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Re: Carpenter Rod Trial Day!
November 06, 2011, 06:13:58 PM
CV79/40 has softer tip and bit more all rounder in terms of lure selection and it can be used with higher drag for larger fish.

The Coral Viper is stiffer at the tip than the other two rods, it makes a great all-round stickbait/medium popper rod. However, if you are looking for something more dedicated to stickbaiting, then I would look more at the EP or Ultimo.

Bit of a contradiction there, can anyone confirm either way?