After so long, it feels very good to posting again at GT popping. I have missed you guys.
Not wishing to bore you, but my reason for going off the radar is that I was very ill and had to spend several months back in the UK

. Things much better now though, and I am back home in Bali. Just beginning to make contact with my fishing friends again.......
Until last week, I had not been able to fish since May, so a quick two and half day trip across the Strait to Lombok was eagerly anticipated. Upon arrival, the anticipation levels rose even further as the currents were really swirling and there just had to be fish.
Was soon into a couple of sizeable GTs and also started to get smashed by Spanish Macks. The second day was similar and produced the best GT of the trip - an
extraordinarily fat fish that I am still have trouble calling weight-wise. It is the first one pictured below and if any of you have an estimate of weight from the pic, please do post it! This was mighty fine fish with which to Christen my new Carpenter MH80H.
The bite was really on and if I was back in peak physical shape I could certainly have caught more fish. I was though very pleased with 7 GTs I caught and a similar number of fun Spanish Macks. Lure of the trip was (as usual) Heru Cubera 150 and I also caught fish with a Cubera 125, Shimano Ocean Pencil 110 sinking and Adhek Penipen 140.
Did not do any jigging at all as the top water was just too good. Wanted to try out out my new MC Works 556 but that will just have to wait.
Lombok is so underfished for a place that is relatively easy to reach from Bali (90 minute boat crossing). I have booked the boat again for November full moon (11th to 13th) and will be giving it all another go. All fish successfully released bar 2 Spanish Macks which were kept for eating. Hope you enjoy the pics.
EquipmentRods: Carpenter Monster Hunter 80H, Carpenter Coral Viper 7940, Ripple Fisher GT82
Reels: Stella 18000, Stella 10000, Twinpower 12000
Successful lures: Heru Cubera 150 and 125, Shimano Ocean Pencil 110 sinking, Adhek Penipen 140
A big, very fat GT:

Nice GT:

And another:

And a smaller one:

By-catch. Lots of Spanish Macks of that size smashing poppers and stickbaits, and that was the first Goldenspotted Trevally I have ever caught on the top water: