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Nick Bowles

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Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 07:36:13 PM

Wide open spaces in the Omani Desert

Sunset in the desert

Getting the boat ready to launch and head for the islands

Arriving at the small marina on the island

The tackle Truck taking all our gear to the villa about 100m away!

Small marina with local fishing boats and the villa in the background

Old dhow

Villa rustic but built like a rock to handle the summer monsoons

Stairs up to the terrace where we relaxed and had our meals.

Upper terrace

Old Landy, body still alright, engine finished!!

Cameron in the Landy

First GT of the trip


Daryl bending into his first big Omani GT

Daryl very happy with a bus 47kg GT

Daryl and myself
Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 08:14:14 PM by Nick Bowles

Vincenzo Caccico

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 07:39:12 PM
Do you need one fishing guide in Hallaniyat island Nick, i need only a bad and small water  ;D

Congrats Vincenzo

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 07:47:06 PM

Cameron bending on the Monster Hunter!

Cameron and myself with his 53kg Monster.

Filleting fish, Daryl owns a speciality fish shop and can prepare an awesome ceviche and sashimi.

Dinner on the terrace at sunset

Early morning leaving the marina

First cast of the day, loading the Race Point 200, muscles creaking!

Sunrise GT

Dad bending on the aerocast

Big Bonnie

Cameron with a good GT caught on Needle Nose Plug

Cameron with a big Yellow Dot caught on Needle Nose Plug

Cameron chuffed with some good fishing, is this work?

Daryl with a good fish

Cameron with another good GT on Needle Nose

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 07:58:18 PM

Having lunch during the middle of the day

Cameron having a quick afternoon sleep before the afternoon session

Daryl with a big emperor, uummmmm sashimi

Big eye trevally on a prototype ASWB

ASWB 185 and 220SS

Daryl with a big Gar on light tackle and a monkey in the background!

Beautiful little tropical AJ, no big cousins on this trip!

Andrew Susani

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:04:08 PM
Great pics... I am suprised you bothered fishing in those awful conditions though  ::)
Focus on the pop

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:05:06 PM

Daryl bending with a big GT

Bus fish

Daryl and myself

Thats why you come to Oman!!

Fighting a good fish on the EP

The fish before the hooks pulled. We land everything by hand so we don;t damage the fish so we unfortunately do loose some fish but hopefully damage less fish.

Dad modeling!

View from the terrace at the villa

Team picture

Cameron packing the Marlin gear, unfortunately all trips come to an end

Tomy loading the truck.

Heading out of the Marina checking for shallow rocks. The island is amazing and old school, the way fishing trips should be!!

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:11:24 PM
Hi Vincenzo! Always looking for good guides! But sometimes I think I might ask you if you need a guide.............. Always a bed and water with a bit of sashimi!

Hi Andrew, Conditions on the first day with the first GT were pants but after that we had awesome weather. Was good as my Dad battled with fishing the first day and then came right.


Mark Harris

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:19:27 PM
Some very nice fish Nick and great job. 

Like so many of us, you have caught the disease of photographing everything at an angle I see :) .  Would be great to see some straight-on pics to gauge how big the fish really are.

That fish "Yellow Dot"... isn't that a Bludger Trevally?

Will be very interesting to see how your accommodation out on the islands works out.

Again, great job.
Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 08:28:52 PM by Mark Harris

Andre van Wyk

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:20:08 PM
I think I just peed a little.....
To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth...

Andy Rowe

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 08:57:37 PM
Great report Nick, love the midday siesta concept too, how do you find the EP85/30 handles bigger GT's?

Set the ray to GeeT

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 09:10:50 PM
Hi Mark, Many thanks, most of the pictures we take now are with a wide angle and we find it comes out much better with the colours and details. I have videoed most of the trip and have a whole heap of clips to edit and will post these once completed and this will give some"long distance" shots and side on shots. We call the Yellow Dot/spot Trevally but back in SA I now they also call it a Ferdy Kingfish. A bludger in SA is usually rounder and looks more like a AJ. We first stayed out at the island 4 years ago and we have been working on getting the place sorted out, it makes things so much easier and more comfortable, even my Dad at 71 found the fishing easy. The early start back for lunch with a rest and late afternoon session woks very well and you can also change tactics and tackle as you don;t have to carry everything on the boat. The shear time saved and lack of getting banged up on the 30 mile open sea crossing makes a big difference. But we now have both options so guys can choose what suits them best.

Howzit Dre, you make me laugh big guy! I talk to your CV every night before bed to make sure she is alright!!

Hi Andy, The EP is an awesome medium rod that has a suprising amount of power. I was casting up to 160gr lures. It does take sometime to get used to after using the bigger rods as it loads a rod differently, but once you get the hand of the lighter rod she is amazing and pure heaven fighting big fish!


Sami Ghandour

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 09:57:21 PM
Great write up Nick  :)
Congratulations on another outstanding trip!

Rob Langridge

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 03, 2012, 10:56:15 PM
Fantastic report Nick.
I enjoy reading everyone of your reports.
Great fish, Great pictures, Great report = 10 out of 10.

Nick Bowles

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 04, 2012, 02:21:11 AM
Howzit Sami, Many thanks, look forward to next week and hopefully been able to post a few fish from NC!!

Thanks Rob, happy that the reports are read and can bring a bit of our fishing to the forum!


Martin Gundersen

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Re: Hallaniyat Islands Oman Firing with my Dad!
February 04, 2012, 07:25:55 AM
Thanks for the report.
As always great read
Tight lines