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Dean Gold

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lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 10:08:06 AM
Hello all,

I'm headding to Saumarez and Fredericks Reefs in Feb and would appreciate any advice on lures. I am very new to GT popping and am building up my lure collection.

I have read Brandon's review of poppers and stick baits which is great. The question that I would like to put to you all is this. If you had a budget of $600 to spend on lures for a 10 day trip to Saumarez and Fredericks Reefs, what would you buy?

Rods used will be Patriot Designs Extreme 80 with 6500 saltiga PE 8 and 8 foot PE 5 rod and 4500 saltiga. I currently have 1 x Nomad stick bait, 1 x FCL Ebipop, 1 x fullscale kong 200 and a few dumbells and roosta poppers.

I appreciate any advice.


Steve Li

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 01:27:55 PM
10 x Roosters

10 x Dumb Bells


Brandon Khoo

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 04:32:57 PM
Dean, you haven't mentioned what fishing you're going to be doing outside of the obvious which is GT fishing and whether you budget of $600 is only for GT lures or meant to cover you for all the lures you may need. On this trip, I'd expect that outside of GT fishing, you may be wanting to throw some smaller lures as well as some jigging.

It looks like you have one GT capable outfit but I wouldn't bother with the PE5 outfit if you were intending to fish for GTs with that. It is just too light.

Steve may have been a but tongue in cheek with his recommendation but unless you're thinking of going with Halcos and River2Sea lures and the odd Heru, you're underdone on your budget. You've picked a pretty expensive trip to go on too so you may want to to think about what budget you want to allocate to this.

Don't forget too that on Nomad that you're going to have to acquire single hooks for your lures which means you need to think about full replacement terminals for all your lures. This adds substantially to the cost of the lures and if you don't get prepared before you go on the boat, well .............. you're going to have to get it on the boat which won't be cheap.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Christoffer Hansen

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 06:55:57 PM
Do nomad not allow the use of trebles at all? I thought it was more of a reccomendation.

Simon Bomholt

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 09:43:31 PM
Adhek lures is another posibility. Great lures for a fair price

Matt Born

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 10:00:00 PM
whilst i apologize for not being able to answer your question Dean. I like the Heru range - Nomad has their stamp on them - they offer good value for money

I am curious about the singles story with Nomad? do they completely ban trebles?

Stephen Callus

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 11:01:39 PM
 :) Hi Matt
i have been on a few trips with  Nomad and Brandon would be the best to  comment about this as he has been on more Nomad trip then any one i know and that is Nomad only allow the barb less bakers rig or single rig setup.
plan a trip to stay a live

Matt Born

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 14, 2012, 11:06:30 PM
Fair enough - can respect that.

Brandon Khoo

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 15, 2012, 08:33:05 AM
The Nomad policy is no trebles on any GT sized lures
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 15, 2012, 08:53:37 AM
Hi Dean,

Adhek has already been mentioned!

I'd be looking for a equal number of poppers and stickbaits (up to 150g) and a couple pencils. This will also give you a good start for a collection for almost any GT destination.

There are great priced and good value products from Adhek, FCL Labo, ASWB, WCP to name a few.

Dean Gold

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 15, 2012, 02:03:58 PM
Thank you to every one who has been in contact.

I have settled on the following shopping list

Orion Big Foot 140 x 2
Adhek Long Goby x 2
Nomad Cubera 150 x 4
ASWB F1 130 x 2
WCP x 2

I'll let you know how I go in Feb.

It's 3 months away and I'm already getting excited... and spending too much time at work looking at lures on the internet.

Trevor Skinner

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 15, 2012, 03:15:08 PM

Your choices look good. Cubera's are one of my favourite lures as are the ASWBs.

You reckon you're addicted now, wait until you put your first big GT in the boat.

It took weeks to wipe the smile of my face!


Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 03:17:06 PM by Trevor Skinner

Mark Harris

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 15, 2012, 11:41:11 PM
That's a decent enough list that you are buying Dean. Luke mentioned a pencil or two and I see you don't have any in there. While I know nothing about Saumarez and Fredericks' Reef,  I reckon you should buy one long pencil. Then, all bases covered :). Good luck.
Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 12:32:12 AM by Mark Harris

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 16, 2012, 08:56:26 AM
Agreed Mark!

In fact, there's not one BIG GT destination in the world that I wouldn't take at least x2 Pencils to  8) 8) Skipping Gars, Sauries, Long-Toms...Monster GT Candy right there.

Christoffer Hansen

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Re: lures for Saumarez and fredericks Reef
November 16, 2012, 12:05:54 PM
Pencil poppers keep coming up in these topics but personally I've never had any success with these. Probaly because I haven't given them the water time to gain confidence. What technique do you fish pencils to entice large gts and I'm guessing in shallow lagoons or structure?
