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Andy Rowe

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How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 11:43:56 AM

I know there has been much discussion of proper handling etc. of fish after catch.

I found something on youtube which illustrates well, how not to handle your GT...

4 minutes on the deck without any water, a gaffing in the mouth and then dropped a few meters flat on your side may not have been the best recipe for a successfull release.

Perhaps the team will find a more suitable location for this post.
Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 11:56:28 AM by Andy Rowe
Set the ray to GeeT

Mark Harris

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 12:14:33 PM
That just makes my blood boil  :o .

Brandon Khoo

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 12:54:25 PM
Andy, you're being unkind.
They could have beaten the fish with a stick first before releasing it  :o
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 01:25:32 PM
Seems the person who posted this is a member here, also relating to another thread.

Deplorable - you should be embarrassed furthermore since you published the video.

Amateurs.  >:(

John Cahill

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 03:27:50 PM
Video is gone :o

Ben Furness

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Mark Harris

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 03:59:02 PM
Not hugely surprised by that.  Sadly, it is imprinted in my mind  >:( .

Andy Rowe

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 04:27:07 PM
That was quick >:( ???
Set the ray to GeeT

Brandon Khoo

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 06:00:08 PM
I think we can stop the villification now. There probably is an awareness/experience aspect to this. I've started a high level thread on fish handling which I hope will build awareness.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Andy Rowe

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 06:31:44 PM
Jolly good, thanks Brandon, I did mean this to be constructive.

I think we can stop the villification now. There probably is an awareness/experience aspect to this. I've started a high level thread on fish handling which I hope will build awareness.
Set the ray to GeeT

Allan Chan Hian Lian

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Re: How not to.....
November 21, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
Wish to clarify that person whom took this clip & posted on YouTube is not a member of this forum so does that angler himself. I was the one who called this clip to be removed due to unprofessional handling by the deckies. We always wanted to release the fish back ASAP after a few quick snap but the deckies insist of weighting it with improper device. Anyway that fish survived & swim away unharmed but staggered.

Farid Badri

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Re: How not to.....
November 22, 2012, 06:15:59 PM
Hi Guys.......I'm not a very active poster here however, I do check out this forum quite a bit.....a lot of good info.

This particular post did catch my attention, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you guys to get your info on it........

The treatment of the fish after it has been caught is always something that I have considered for a while because we all forget about one very simple but extremely important fact......fish are practically weightless in water........however we pull them out of the water, and then that's when the damage starts.......a lot of charter captains pull the fish on-board, this places a "huge" amount of strain on the vertebrae of the fish.....when the fish hits the deck, that can sometimes cause bruising to the fish muscles, but it also removes a coating of slime that protects the fishes skin from parasites/bacteria........and if that was not enough we take a picture........the fish is put on the knees of the fisherman........and in most cases the abdominal cavity of the fish is right over the knee, and once again the weight of the fish is placed onto the abdominal cavity therefore causing trauma to the internal organs.......

In a lot of cases the fish are "revivied", and it swims away "strongly"........that is a common effect for most animals due to the release of huge amounts of adrenalin its known as the flight syndrome........very similar to people walking away from a car crash safely, but once they are checked out they have broken limbs/neck/head.

The other factor that we all need to keep firmly in mind is........a "small" amount of blood, lets say from a gill injury, can be a lot of blood for an animal the size of the GT........and therefore the fish may not be able to recover from its injury........I think people get really screwed if they lose around 4 litres of blood (I think not very sure), we are warm blooded with a lot more blood in our system.

Have you guys noticed, that some parts of the world that have been very famous for big sized GT's.....you don't seem to hear from them anymore? yes we can say the fish are smarter....but we are talking about fish......and from my understanding GTs are territorial.....so where are they?

Guys......please don't misunderstand me........I like to fish just as much as anyone else on this forum........I actually build rods, so I'm really into the fishing culture.........but at the same time, I'm honest about the effect of "Catch and release"........if anyone has a different opinion/view/logical argument please post it.......because I really would like to have another view so it would make the idea of "catch and release" a bit more easier on the conscious........

Brandon Khoo

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Re: How not to.....
November 22, 2012, 06:43:13 PM
so Farid - you are suggesting that we don't bother about catch and release?

There is nothing that you have mentioned that those of us who are behind this forum or been involved with the sport a long time are not aware of. If you read the thread started yesterday on how to handle fish, you will note my suggestion of not removing the fish from the water if that is possible.

We all understand that there is a mortality rate involved even with CnR but careful handling and if possible, not removing the fish from the water makes a significant difference in my view.

I will also repeat a point that I made years ago in another discussion and that is the only way to ensure a 100% survival rate is not to fish. If your conscience is as stated below, I suggest your only option is not to fish at all.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Farid Badri

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Re: How not to.....
November 22, 2012, 10:16:56 PM
Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your response, and your comments.



Dmitrii Novgorodtcev

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Re: How not to.....
November 22, 2012, 10:52:42 PM
Hi Farid,

One fact from one of the most famous GT spots - Tokara in Japan. They tag the fish there before releasing. I was always wondering if they caught the tagged fish again, and if yes, how many times? And I got to know that the recent record was 9 times. It means that they caught the fish and successfully released the same fish for nine times! It proves the effect of the idea of "catch and release" and makes it a bit more easier on the conscious  :)

I think we should learn the ways of handling fish if we want to continue fishing.