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Aaron Levien

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Hey guys and girls, thought we here at Assassin head quarters would throw up a post of the Nomad Jigging and Topwater Comp from last weekend here in NEW ZEALAND...
We had been waiting over 30 months for this comp as we missed the 2010 comp and then had our new boat being built through 2011, we were making sure we were going to make the 2012 comp. With the weather looking stunning for the past weekend we headed to Tauranga Sports Fishing Club to get the low down of does and don'ts. After this we headed back to Whangamata to load the boat up to launch at 5 the next morning.

So it was Saturday morning and we were on the water ready for action. We hit Mayor Island at around 6am bang on and by 6.10am we were over some solid sign. So over we deployed and what do you know, I was hooked up on my third drop and the wee PE4 absolutely screaming. Before long the main line busted and I was just left wondering but it was early days. For the next few 3 hours we picked up around 20 rats ranging up to almost the magic meter mark.

By this time we were at Mayor Knolls and found ourselves in deep discussion wondering if we should hit the "Rangiteras" (we had never been out here and always wanted to hit this place). So we punched in our mark on the chart and headed for the Rangas. By 10.10am we had arrived, we spent alot of time deploying and tracking for good sign and to be honest our hopes had depreciated alot. I had started thinking that we better get back to Mayor and try get something on the board. As soon as I had mentioned that I had hit some promising sign. We dropped and literally it was action stations. We had another rat on board and then......

Kelly was hooked up and screaming, she had almost gone for three swims in the space of 30 seconds. She had something angry on and was almost at 140m (she was in for a fight). She go into fight mode and started dealing to the fish, with around 50m to go, the hook just pulled (all on camera), there was nothing she could do.

Then almost straight after this we had our newest member to the team hooked up and boy was he in for a fight. His previous best king was 15 kilo so he was hoping for a PB. After 10 or so mins and a whole lot of moaning he had on board his PB tipping the scales at 23 kegs (he released this to fight another day).

Then literally minutes later it was my turn, I had hit something weird. SO into fight mode I went and I just dealt to this fish and with about 40 meters to go my hopes started to rise, the line started heading way out the back of the boat yes a PUKA I said.... oh but wait.... it was a dam perfectly foul hooked 15kilo king... GREAT.

While I was mucking around Kelly was feeling a wee bit tired so thought she would throw a sticky around out there. She was literally mucking around and watching us not paying attention to her bait and BANG she was in... She was getting toed around the in all awkward place and after a great fight she had on board a nice 17 kilo king. Now we didnt want to keep this but the rules said "Heaviest Female" so we had to keep this if we wanted to weigh it. So in the Satchell she went with loads of ICE. Oh did i mention the weather was perfect out there and only got better as the day went on? Anyway we kept at it and ended up with a load more rats and she was getting close to 4pm. I had told everyone back at home if we ant back by 6pm then start getting worried (as you know there is not radio out there). So we headed back for landed pretty happy to have something on the board.


Once again it was 5am and we were roaring, this time we had to be back on land by 2pm so we could wash the boat and get to Tauranga for the weigh in 6pm (latest). So Mayor was the option this time. We ended up at Mayor at 6am and bumped into Benny from Nomad, we had we yarn to him and parted ways...
This day was even better than yesterday. Literally 1 knot at Mayor. So we started working the drop off as per usual. We managed a few average fish coming on board slow and steady. Then we had see a few gannets and flying fish and some slight surface action. We charged ahead and Kelz had her stickbait ready for some more top water action.

First cast nothing, then Sammy had deployed lead on his new favourtie rod (a dam new sexy SYNIT on test for kelz and i) and bang Sammy was into something nice. At the same time Kelly turned to watch the action while still working her lure and bang she was almost swimming again.

Then Jake thought he would deploy and bang he was in also. So we had a three way going on and more action going on that you could poke a stick at. Jake landed his quick smart and was a lovely 12 pound snapper. Next up was Sammy with a nice we 15 kilo king that he just dealt to and seconds with the new Synit and then Kelly was on deck with another Top Water King going 15 kilo also. This day hard proved hard for with being plagued with Rats every 5 minutes.

Anyway we released all these fish including the snaps and headed over to the Doga bank to see if we could see a work up and pick up a 30 kegger (yes we shot one there around 10 months ago so they are there).

As soon as we got there we were greeted by around 200 dolphins performing amazing acrobats. So we spent half an hour playing with them before we headed home for weigh in.

To top it off we all had a magnificent dinner there and were very proud to see Kelz take out heaviest womans and also come in at overall 5th weight (she recons its her trophy next year). Anyway I hope you enjoyed this.

There is plenty more footage I just have extracted some stuff to get an article up for you all.
All in all with all the stuff that went down at prize giving and with how things were run we had a bloody good time, the weather was perfect, we had a great team and we got to catch up with a lot of you from fishing net and met a load more of you and introduced a few of my mates to you guys Kelz and I already know. So stay tuned as we has some great footage of the 2 days antics, so ill throw something together for your pleasure.

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Matt Born

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nice report man!! and congrats on the placing!! NZ been on fire this year with the fishing!! absolute monsters coming out!!

Aaron Levien

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Cheers mate. WE tried to give it a good nudge aye but White Island (another 20 mile from where we were) was obviously firing that weekend with some marvelous fish coming out of there. But still a good feet in itself for our team. The solid king my mate
was holding up was around 23 kegs... But as i say we didnt want to keep anything, we just wanted to realease. It was 5mm off being in the top 5 for length and would have taken out second place overall in weight. So the comp proved to me that people were more
inclined to measure than keep. Next year she is all on measure so that will be great i recon. As for Kelz fish it stated "Heaviest Womans" so we had to take hers but then we get to weight station and the guy says oh is this weight or length you want?
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