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Luke Wyrsta

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 03:40:56 PM
The vast majority are very conservative. Spearing when done correctly is a release and capture sport.

I don't follow?  ???

Brandon Khoo

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 04:21:30 PM
Dan, you might need enlighten some of us on how you spear and release  :o

Not all spear fishermen are the same. The vast majority are very conservative. Spearing when done correctly is a release and capture sport. However there are always a few who go bad just like fishermen. I have met this guy he is about 6 foot 7 and one big guy!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Trevor Skinner

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 04:23:29 PM
Suction cups?

Dan Kaggelis

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 08:18:06 PM
Line fishing even popping is a capture first then release sport. You don't choose what u catch, you can control it to a degree but ultimately if an undersized or protected species jumps on your line you are forced to fight the fish then release it. Spear fishing is the most sustainable form of fishing as you choose your target first then choose to spear it. Responsible spear fishermen will pick and choose their fish carefully. As mentioned before when practiced properly it is a very conservative sport.
It bothers me that many line fishermen think they r being fish friendly because they practice catch and release however many fail to realise that many fish that swim away actually die later due to stress I have seen it many a time.

I agree Rodney should not have speared that gt but don't go bagging out all spearos because of one guy. I saw a bloke jigging gts on the weekend and keeping them for crab pot bait, doesn't mean all jiggers are bad!

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 08:27:31 PM
Line fishing even popping is a capture first then release sport. You don't choose what u catch, you can control it to a degree but ultimately if an undersized or protected species jumps on your line you are forced to fight the fish then release it. Spear fishing is the most sustainable form of fishing as you choose your target first then choose to spear it. Responsible spear fishermen will pick and choose their fish carefully. As mentioned before when practiced properly it is a very conservative sport.
It bothers me that many line fishermen think they r being fish friendly because they practice catch and release however many fail to realise that many fish that swim away actually die later due to stress I have seen it many a time.

I agree Rodney should not have speared that gt but don't go bagging out all spearos because of one guy. I saw a bloke jigging gts on the weekend and keeping them for crab pot bait, doesn't mean all jiggers are bad!

Simply because you can choose what you spear does not inherently make it sustainable.

We aren't here to crucify spear fishing, but our view point is that it has no point except for meat gathering purposes - which is exactly the opposite of the values of this website.

Now, many fish that swim away and die? That's rubbish. I call BS. We, amongst others, have worked together with tagging programs and other research gathering exercises and can categorically say that the release and re-capture rate is high and positive overall.

Dan Kaggelis

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 25, 2013, 08:36:35 PM
I agree with much of that but consider the fact that when you spear you line up plenty of fish but don't pull the trigger in a sense releasing fish without harming a scale. Spearing is also about breath hold and free diving not just putting fish in the esky. I love popping because it is so sustainable and il say again shooting a gt is an utter waste . I think the values promoted on this site are spot on.
Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 08:47:38 PM by Dan Kaggelis

Mark Panhuyzen

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 27, 2013, 10:15:03 PM
It is sad to see but it was only one. What about the jap poppin vids going around in previous years.  Piles of dead gts. Was just lookin at you tube vids on oman and came accross  a good one. It makes you think how sustainable the gt fishin is there. Dont no how to put in link but just type in     " fish aplenty of the east coast of oman"   shows fish markets with boat loads of  dead  gts and they aint small.  When it comes to spearos most are  responsible. But its amazin how many spear big things just cause they can just to prove they saw it. No intention on eating it.  If your a spearo and a mate does it bag em big time it dont take long for them to get the idea that not everything in the ocean is fair game.

Mark Harris

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Re: 54 kg GT killed in Queensland
February 27, 2013, 10:45:35 PM
I have seen that video you refer to Mark and it has nothing to do with GT fishing. Those are the results of small scale commercial fisheries.  There are two GT fishing operators in that area and both take great care to return all fish in a healthy state.