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Guy Durham

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As suggested in Andrew's thread, we have had a spot of pretty good weather in our part of the world so I finally got the opportunity to get the new TBL out for another run.

On Saturday we headed out to a new (for us) piece of turf a shade over 70nm offshore withe intention of doing a bit of everything. Whilst hard up against a reef edge and fishing for my tasty old buddy the coral trout, there were a few schools of bait starting to get a bit frisky. It seemed like a good time to change tactics so I assembled the TBL with a cubera 125 on the end and tossed it out into the crystal clear water where I could easily make out the bottom in 23m of water.

On the first cast I had a couple of bumps from a couple of pretty sizeable GTs that were easily visible, but I failed to hook up.  On the second cast  ( onto a different bait school) I got smashed on the first twitch.  It was a really bizarre feeling fight which left all of us in the boat guessing, and then I got the lure near the boat and were we're all flabbergasted to see this...

Yep, that's 2 GT'S attached to the one lure. Some of you out there may have already been here, but I certainly haven't and thus far I haven't found anyone else who has. I was, and still am, stoked and bragging about it to anyone that will listen :D I know they're not massive fish, but I'll still claim it as a win.

I know this will seem unnecessarily pessimistic, but I once again got robbed of really loading up the new rod.  The two fish obviously panicked and swam in every combination of directions so there was no real power behind the fight, and the rod easily disposed of them.

Unfortunately the GTs went quiet at this location after this. Although we had another nice surprise when we stopped quickly at an island about half way home and the lures got swarmed by a pack that was easily in excess of a dozen

Sorry about the crappy pics, the only thing that was immediately handy was a mobile & we were all panicking that one might get off before we snapped a photo.

When people hear hoof beats, they think "Horses"
When I hear hoof beats.  I think "Zebra's" :)

Mark Harris

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Great stuff Guy.  I have seen this at least once before but never managed it myself.

Andrew Susani

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Very cool capture - we've never seen it but we have come close a few times with some of the frisky small ones.

It can be hard to coincide great weather, good tides and great GT popping out there - I reckon the bigger tides now would be far better... oh well.
Focus on the pop

Brandon Khoo

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Seen it lots of times with reefies or one GT and a reefie but two GTs is rare. Konishi San has a double hook-ip in NC a couple of years ago with a cod and a GT. from 70m+ away, the GT looked about 10kg and the cod about 50kg. Anyway, as we reversed back to the fish, the cod shook its head flipping the GT completely out of the water and straightening the tail hook at the same time. The GT, released of its nemesis, went ballistic!

It took Konishi San about another five minutes to land the GT and it went around 35kg. The hook was almost straightened too.  Just makes you wonder how big the cod was!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Graham Scott

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There's alway a surprise around the corner, great effort. My closest claim to fame was 2 reefies on a single hook, or maybe a Spanish mackerel that half hitched itself to my line about 20m short of my lure, after landing I couldn't figure out what the other line was ....oh thats my line!

Well done!

Brandon Khoo

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Two fish on a single hook is hard to beat!!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Graham Scott

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Single hook was a soft plastic, not a single on a popper...that would interesting. Looked like first cod swallowed it then second cod picked it off the first pulling the lure from inside to out of its mouth behind the jaw.Pushing first up the line.

 If its weird fishing thats me!
 Like the red emperor with no tail...but fought like hell..
.or getting spooled by a sea eagle...
or the sand crab that swam over attacked a hard body and ended up in the pot for tea.
or catching a nice mackerel on a hard body while chasing trout so immediately changed over to a metal slug, threw into deep water, crank it back at full speed and...you guessed it caught a nice trout.....
or catching a nice Barra in the Fitzroy and putting it on the bank behind me only to have a water rat drag it under a big rock where I couldn't reach it 
or catching a dolphin fish off a tree trunk, nothing unusual there, except the trunk was vertical and stuck in the bottom in 35m of water 50 miles offshore (later recovered by the Navy and displayed in Gladstone Harbour).
or the pet mullet I kept in a fishtank as a kid, finally released it down at the the beach, it swam away..... about 400mm turned around and swam back 400mm, turned around and swam back 400mm...you get it

Before I work on my bucket list I have to empty the rubbish out of the bucket!

Mark Harris

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Brilliant Graham :) . I am still chuckling.

I have nothing to rival any of that other than possibly a dead goat caught trolling and a jigged sea snake.

Doug Lindsay

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Saw the 2 GTs on 1 lure on a 3 day Nomad trip off Mackay. Nearly straightened a 9/0 Jobu and SJ41, on only 10kgish fish.
Many years ago, whilst reef fishing, threw a chicken bone overboard after eating the meat. Half an hour later, pulled up a nice Maori Cod that had eaten the bone 35m below.
Had a good Bludger Trevally sharked just under the boat. He came to the boat with at least 20 pc of the rear of his body gone. I dehooked him and sent him home and he swam strongly away! NO TAIL-NO WORRIES
But the most incredible thing I've seen- is Peter Childs actually landing a GT. Considering he's normally casting lures off, breaking Coral Vipers or taking inappropriate photos of me, its one of natures mysteries how he would ever successfully land a fish!

Graham Scott

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Hey Doug,
Remember a fishes tail is more like a rudder than propeller.

Doug Lindsay

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I've got to admit I didn't know that!

Charles Cintron

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Nice one Guy! Had a buddy who almost pulled this off last month but one shook off before he could get it.......