Hi All,
The journey to find GT action in the Pilbara over the last few months has going well with constant results coming from the local reefs.
The action is not spectacular but an average of 3 fish landed a trip keeps me enthused. The fish aren't monsters with only the odd one breaking the 30kg mark but all are very well conditioned.
Most days I'm on my own which makes life bloody hard if you have the boat pointing the wrong way and hook up to a solid fish right on the reef edge. It's a struggle to control the fish and drive the boat at the same time into deeper water. I've paid the price with lure losses however have it reasonably down pat now, lots of palming the spool and medium drag settings usually lets me get enough control to jump on the boat throttle and steer out from the reef bringing the fish with me.
On Easter Friday I headed with a mate out to Barrow Island, some 90km from the nearest launch. This Island has great headlands on the Western side and some quality reef. The island doesn't receive much pressure and has great action on offer. Along with GT's we scored many species for just 6hrs fishing and found huge schools of Tuna, Mackerel and queenfish as well as the reef dwellers. Big mackerel made for heavy lure losses but the hits were spectacular. Well worth the 3hrs to get there and 3 hrs back. But will look at camping next time.
As the water is now cooling the local GT's are slowing so can't wait for Spring when the bigger fish arrive on the inshore reefs in numbers.
A few photos attached form the last few trips.
Rods: Ripple fisher Ultimo UG79MH and GT78 Power Fight
Lures: Mostly ASWB stick baits and West Coast Poppers
Reels: Stella 18,000's with Jerry Brown solid 100lb.