We have been having some amazing fishing down in Southern Oman along with Musandam with plenty of big GTs. Will post a few reports in the coming weeks as it has been way to long not posting anything from this side of the World. Below is a report back from Allan.
Saif Al Zarouni, Mark Bisch and Allan Stanton drove down for a 3 day trip to Southern Oman, excitement levels were high after the boys did a last minute shop at Ocean Active to stock up on poppers, stick baits and brand new Race Point 200's to put them to the test on Giant GT's down South. ??The first day the water was very dirty, strong winds and did not manage to raise any GT's but had some good fun on the light tackle landed some massive Queenfish, Orange spot trevally and balck tip travalley. ??
The weather cleared up on day two there was good signs of some decent fishing to come. They stopped to do some jigging and caught some nice reef fish and a 20kg Aberjack in the morning followed by a 112 GT caught by Saif and a a 121 caught by Allan both caught on the Race Point 200 and Hammerhead I Cup bought the OA store, Saif and Mark also got reefed by two big fish well over 50Kgs and Allan landed a nice long tail tuna on his 86/40 and stella 14,000 with PE6.??
Day three Mark led the way with his first GT a 50kg fish landed on his new Race Point 200, stella 18,000 and ASWB Pink and Yellow 175G stickbait. Shortly after that Allan landed a 30kg Wahoo and 122cm GT caught on his Carpenter 86/40 and Gamma 160 lure. after lunch Allan then hooked into a steam train peeling about 200 meters of line of his Stella 14,000 with PE6 Sunline Monster Braid and put the Carpenter 86/40 to the test and Gamma 160. Fish was in the 60kg mark. Really amazing fish to land on PE6 and a EP86/40, big congrats!

The boyz in action
Mark bending on his first Oman fish

Allan with a decent AJ

The boyz had some great action on loads of species. Al with a nice size longtail

Saif with a yellow dot trevally

Lunch at the villa after a good morning session.

Saif bending on his first GT

Saif very chuffed with his first GT!

Packing the tackle truck

Allan with a decent Omani GT

Bye bye big girl

Allan with another good GT

Mark on his first monster GT on a Race Point 200

An epic battle and Mark taking a bit of a breather with some help from Allan!

Mark with his first GT and a awesome fish 137cm.

Allan with a monster wahoo on stick bait!

Allan hooked into a monster on his EP86/40 and a Gamma 160. Fish was going for the horizon.

Slowly wining the battle

Finally the fish at the boat.

Monster GT on PE6, awesome fish on medium gear!

Team picture before the fish was released.