Hi folks,
I wonder if anyone can help me with a rod recommendation for a southern kingfish popping and stickbait rod (as well as a backup GT rod) I am chasing kings in the 10 - 15kg range from around rocky headlands and bommies. I would like to be able to accurately cast a long distance 100 - 125g poppers (such as haymakers and cuberas) as well as 80 - 125 gm stickbaits. Looking to fish PE 6-8 to extract the fish before they return to the rocks - fishing from a boat.
I currently own a Carpenter SP78 EXH, lovely rod for the poppers, not so great on the stickbaits and complete overkill for the kingies - I do tend to get a lot of small by catch as well (salmon, tailor etc).
I also own a Saltiga 80TN which is great on the smaller stick baits, but really maxs out on casting at around 90g and is too soft to work the blooping poppers effectively.
I am hoping the same rod may also double as a lighter stickbait and popper rod for GT's to accompany the Carpenter on trips to the reef.
I am considering the Carpenter SP80M for this purpose or one of the new Coral Vipers (either 35 or 40), having not even picked up either rod, does anyone have any recommendations? I looked briefly at the new Shimano GT rod, but it is rather heavy in the hands - lets face it, it's a long way between drinks when poppering for kingies down my way, I'd be happier with a lighter rod.
Any other rods come to mind? I don't mind spending a little more for the right rod, particularly if it can be used for GTs as well.