well, I hope there is. It is about time that one of the big manufacturers released a reel that can handle big fish with wound up drags that doesn't cost > $1000. I know quite a number of fishos who would love to get into this type of fishing but the pricing of the equipment is prohibitive. I've had friends who were open-mouthed shocked when I told them their Saltiga GT86 or TN80 weren't much more than an entry level rod into this type of fishing. They had assumed they were the best money could buy!
In my opinion the most common mistake I see people making when they purchase gear is to have an expectation that the gear will land the fish. This leads to beginners wanting Stellas and the like. I think it is better to cut your teeth on good mid priced gear such as the GH Calstars and Sphero etc.
Get knowledge and the ability to tie proper knots and appropriate terminal tackle. These will cost you a lot more fish than the difference between a Stella and a Spheros.
Get fit and strong so you can handle a big fish when it climbs on that popper. I weigh 91 kg at a height of 180cm and a few years in the gym allow me to handle drag settings that a few of my lighter fishing buddies cannot handle. (we have to hold on to them when they are hooked so they do not get dragged overboard)
My friend is the same height as me but weighs 118kg and moves an absolute ton of weight in the gym. I have used his Dogfight and the drag settings that he handles are incredible. Without the strength and mass he would not be able to cast for hours and battle with such heavy drags.
Get distance and line right with hours of casting each week and learn tide and moon phases that are productive.
Then when you do get your top shelf stuff you will appreciate it a lot more. I have done it this way and I do not have any regrets even though I lost a few fish using my 9500ss and Ugly Stik Custom spinning rods.
But then again... that's just my philosophy.