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Brandon Khoo

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Safety Comes First!
April 12, 2015, 08:11:13 PM

This is something which I have been thinking of posting for some time but never did it due to the likelihood of offending some people, which i really don't want to do. In recent years, we've seen anglers going well off the beaten path in the hope of finding untouched locations. Some of these locations, however, are in extremely unstable countries. I have been of the view for a long time that it is only a matter of time before a group of anglers gets kidnapped or worse.

After very recent events in Socotra, I have decided to post about it. All is well that ends well but was it not for Ed Nicolas of No Boundaries in Oman who went out of his way to assist; a group of anglers would have been looking at a semi-permanent holiday on Socotra. For those of you who don't know where this is, it is an island group off Yemen. For the past month, every foreign country has been evacuating their nationals out of Yemen due to an escalating civil war.

The issue is simple - at the end of the day, fishing is only fishing. It is not worth taking unnecessary risks in the hope of being able to target trophy fish. Going to a location which the Department of Foreign Affairs on its Smart Traveler website classifies as "DO NOT TRAVEL" is a choice you should please re-think.

If something happens in a location like Yemen, there is next to nothing the Australian government can do to assist. You're on your own. you might have had groups before you not encounter problems but just remember, shit happens and it only needs to happen once.

At the end of the day, I expect some of you will still run the gauntlet; but please re-think and be safe!
Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 10:44:07 PM by Amr Kehila
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Hamad Alroumi

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 12, 2015, 08:59:35 PM
Fishing Socatra is a dream to me , but I don't want the risk that comes with it .. catching a trophy fish is not worth it if im not able to go back home in one piece !! there are always other options and much safer locations... im glad that they found their way out of the island... and thanks for highlighting this topic.
Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 10:45:16 PM by Amr Kehila

Lorenz Seebauer

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 12, 2015, 10:43:48 PM
...there are always other options ...

Maybe we can open up another thread and you can name some locations with similar options and similar prices for europeans (I refer to the local less professional tour operators without foreign guides)?
I'm quite sure that some people would be interested as Socotra is out of the game for a while.
Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 10:44:44 PM by Amr Kehila
Best regards Lorenz

Trevor Skinner

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I couldn't agree more. It could have easily ended in absolute disaster.
Ed has to be commended for going above and beyond.



Cem Yildiz

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 13, 2015, 01:11:43 AM

i think the italian guys which must be rescued were not realy in danger. The flights was canceld and they are stranded. Me and my friends canceld our trip to Socotra last November, because the situation in Jemen was unsafe. Last year there was no non-stop flight from UAE to Socotra with Yemenia. The italian guys are very "crazy". When the situation is safe in Yemen, we will travel to Socotra (non-stop from UAE). Lorenz he is right there are not so many destination with attractive terms like Socotra. But my Familiy is more important then fishing for me.


Boerris Polakowski

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 13, 2015, 02:10:18 AM
We decided to travel to Socotra in October 2014....after we booked flights, organised our visa etc...we canceled our trip, because the political situation changed to a manner that we cant influence. That was the time were the first car bombs exploded and so on.
For me it was the right decision, because i want to get the adrenalin kick from the exploding surface when GTs hit our baits and not from exploding bombs etc.
I think it is irresponsible to visit that country now. And to say they were not in danger ,just because there flights have been cancelded.....sorry thats stupid.
A coalition of five countries intervene in a civil war with airplanes, soldiers and artillery. So you cant estimate any risks.
There are other countries with big fishes and less risk

Raymond Orosco

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 13, 2015, 03:15:24 AM
What happened, if you don't mind me asking?

Leo Sorbello

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 13, 2015, 08:03:07 AM
Duncan from (Fishhead) was briefing on his scary recent Socotra trip, during my shopping enquiry. I totally agree at the end of the day, fishing is only fishing. Stay safe everyone....if you're planning to unstable areas.

John Cahill

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 13, 2015, 10:19:48 PM
very well said Brandon - some light has been made of these events, I think it's crazy!

Alex Gomez

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 14, 2015, 02:39:39 PM
Even travelling to non-war torn places like the Solomons, Philippines or PNG are highly risky from a medical support perspective.  Even what would be a small issue or injury can be a big problem in these remote places if you don't have the right medical supplies or equipment.  The risk of being kidnapped and held for ransom is also very real in PNG and Philippines.  I had a close escape in the Philippines during election time once.  Its scary, guns make me very nervous. People with guns that have no training make me even more nervous.

Even worse try getting hold of some decent braid if you get spooled!!

I suppose it's up to the individual but no fish, no matter how impressive is worth a human life in my opinion.

Cheers AG

Amr Kehila

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Re: Safety Comes First!
April 28, 2015, 11:12:25 PM
In the end, people need to make their own mind; as a blanket warning this is great, particularly to the unworldly or inexperienced.

The reality is that people will make choices based on available evidence and sometimes that evidence is over or under cautious; if something goes wrong I resolve to say that im glad they are safe but I wont discourage them from making their mind again.

I don't think a trophy fish is worth any personal 'risk' but to be honest we don't ever really know the true situation on the ground or the full story. Lets not have anyone be offended :)

I don't want to discourage anyone from reporting on the trip in question whatsoever, in fact, i would love to see a complete write-up from someone because the pictures (that i have seen) are amazing and the story must be one worth sharing...
Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 12:08:41 AM by Amr Kehila