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Adam Randall

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Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 12:29:00 PM
Hey guys

I'm in the process of putting together my gear for a trip to kirinda next year and having purchased my saltigas now need to fill them with braid.. Game Fishing Asia have strongly recommend Jerry Brown hollow or Tuf line XP.. I'm obviously going to follow there recommendation but before I purchased wondered if anybody uses either of the above and what there opinions were..



Lucas Nixon

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 04:53:33 PM
Hey mate,

I use JB and Tufline XP and would recommend either.

Maybe try one of each for a while and see what you prefer but I can't recommend one over the other personally as neither have ever failed me both in casting or in battle with fish.

Generally you can pick up the Tufline cheaper than JB and it's also more commonly stocked in stores so you can get your hands on it as opposed to ordering JB online.

Hope you have a good trip and let us know what you end up using and your thoughts.


Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 08:35:02 PM
Hello Adam,
I have very good memories of Kirinda, Nicolas Jamin is a very great guide.

Regarding the braids, I fish for a long time with no problems with the Varivas SMP  not one single wig. (perruque in french)
At Kirinda in March, I wanted to try 2 other braids, the Tasline and the JB solid and without knowing why ? I did a lot of wigs, my reels were full as I always do, that's what I can say about these braids who are serious references.

Adam Randall

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 09:29:03 PM
Cheers for the advice guys..

Lucas I've ordered enough to do one reel and I'll spool up my saltiga and go throw some lures see how I get on..

Gerard how did you get on in kirinda?? Any advice??

Thanks to you both 👍🏼

Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 10:48:52 PM
Adam, I am very far from being an expert,  in Kirinda Nicolas told me, Gerard, you forget everything you know about fishing for GT, here it's different, you throw big poppers, you wait 2 / 3 seconds before you animate, you give rod under the arm  a big shot of popping,  you wait 2/3 seconds and so on.
Personally, I have my best results with sliders (Orion Flapper) and a popper as the Heru Hamano 150 but at my age (74 years) lead a 200g popper gets a bit tiring.  :P
Usually I never fish with 2 treble, 1 single large on the tail of the popper but at Kirinda  I put two, many GTs were taken on the ventral treble.
Treble barbless of course  ;)
Sorry for my english  ;)

Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 26, 2015, 11:49:41 PM

The old man is happy, Coral Viper 79/40 in the hand, my Fisherman TRSH is not very far  ;)


Adam Randall

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 27, 2015, 01:53:14 AM
Great stuff Gerard and at 74 years old too.. Wow you put us younger guys to shame!!! I've got some Orion Cono Cono big Big Foot stick baits from Eric.. Looking forward to giving those a go.. It'll be my first GT popping / jigging trip so trying to learn as much as I can before I go..

Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 27, 2015, 07:02:50 AM
Adam, all of Eric's lures are excellent and make up 80% of my collection of lures, I wish you a good trip in Kirinda  :) I remember all my trips and the first is always a big event

Lucas Nixon

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 28, 2015, 02:30:21 PM
Sounds good mate.

Let us know how you get on.

Gerard you must be doing something right to be wrestling GT's at 70+ years.



Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 28, 2015, 07:29:29 PM
Solution to keep fit my friends, honey every day, 1 glass of French wine a day, not more, mountain biking and some weight training, after this treatment it moves mountains ............ small  Ah! Ah!  ;)

Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 28, 2015, 11:47:26 PM
 ;) ;) 

Adam Randall

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 29, 2015, 01:16:53 PM
Nice video Gerard.. Can't wait for my trip now!! Have you got another planned??

Sacco Gerard

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 29, 2015, 07:51:25 PM
Thanks Adam  :) late February 2016 I go to Madagascar for a trip by catamaran boat that will serve as a hotel and for fishing on a speed boat, my poppers and stickbaits  are ready  ;) :)

Lorenz Seebauer

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Re: Jerry Brown / Tuf Line Xp
October 30, 2015, 08:38:29 PM
is Jerry Brown solid in 65 lbs spliceable?

I ordered 1m to test it and it worked. It has 6? strands and of course the splice is not as nice and easy as hollow to hollow.
Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 07:24:45 AM by Lorenz Seebauer
Best regards Lorenz