If the boat could have a front & rear one fitted it would make this kind of fishing safer.
Having said that, the pressure waves were capping and cracking against the boat in over 100 feet of water, let alone in closer to the GT cover!
Freeboard was a real issue!
I haven't seen so much water pour through there...ever!
Colour was awesome and the temp was above 23 degrees.
All the usual suspects like 'hoo, GT's & billfish would be around if we could have fished it properly. Instead it was a chooona on fly arvo instead.
With all the constant rain, I wasn't going to 'test' the weather seals on the D300 for anyone! It IS a shame, since it really did look crazy AKA Spit Bombie or Shoalwater on the ebb the tides build so will those pressure waves!
The Choona were big macks mixed with longtails...I got 2 big macks arond 6-7kg on longies were fooled
