Greetings. I'm new to popping so please excuse my newbie question. I understand that for popping, generally a reel with higher gear ratio is preferable whereas the lower gear ratio is more suitable for jigging. Having said that, I was also advised that the choice is mainly based on "feel"... whichever is more comfortable to you. Since mid range reels are not exactly cheap stuff, I am not able to just buy both and give both a try. I understand that lower gear ratios have better "cranking power" and higher gear ratios give better line retrieval. So what is you have a lower gear ratio? Just wind more times right? I am drawing an analogy with the racing bicycle example. You set it to high gear, one pedal and you go further (at the expense of your muscles having to work harder). Whereas at the lower gear your muscles don't have to work so hard but your joints do some extra rounds coz you have to pedal more just to achieve the same distance. Am I correct to assume this is the same with reels?
So if I am, then the question is, is gear ratio such a big deal then? With the higher gear ratio, you wind less but your muscles are worked out more (leading to muscle fatigue). With lower gear ratio, your muscles are exerted less but your joints tire out more (leading to joints fatigue). So in the end, it balances out anyways. Right? Or I am wrong. Poppers need fast speed to entice strikes and winding like a madman won't cut it.
I guess my real question is this. I am not quite ready for medium or heavy popping yet but I am about to invest a small fortune in light popping gears. The reel I was recommended was the Daiwa Caldia KIX 3500 or 4000 Custom for the PE2-3 rod. However, checking the gear ratio, it is only 4.9 : 1 which is below the average gear ratios for popping. Perhaps for light popping, speed is not really so important? I just want some feedback before I plunge my hard earned cash on something unsuitable.