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Richard Ghalayini

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G'day guys

I am looking for a jigging rod for NZ coming up next month , which can carry at 300g to max400g jigs, I am thinking to buy either Smith AMJ 52EX or its sibling the Smith AMJ 54H, anyone can share their experience about which one is more suited please?  I felt both rods at my local and i like feel of both but tossing up in between which one is the best for my situation while i'm over there and also want the confidence to use the rods at times in my home waters

I already have a Smith AMJ 56M 230g just love the parabolic action on these rods.....

Regards Richard

Ryan Theyer

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Hi Richard.

Have a look at this post below. it may have some answers for you.



Peter Childs

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Richard, the 52EX would be the way to go.  I find the 54H gets all out of shape over 300 grams, its best suited to around 250 grams and PE4.

The 52EX is a great PE6 rod for 300 - 400 grams.  Buy in confidence and go hard! ;)  You might even find a king or two in NZ that will beat you on that outfit! :-[

Cheers, Peter 8)

Richard Ghalayini

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Thanks for that Ryan but I've seen that post before and I've commented about my AMJ S56M on that post but I'd like to hear from other peoples opinions including yours about which rod would suit better with a Saltiga Expedition 6500Z riding with either stick loaded with 85lb just thinking would the AMJ 54H make the cut on wild NZ brutes or should I opt on buying the 52EX.

Cheers Rich

Richard Ghalayini

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BINGO thanks Peter my heart was opting more on the 52EX and can see myself getting smoked on a few freighters lol ;D but hopefully landing a few too.

Dan Colebrook

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Richard, where in NZ are ya going to be fishing? With a charter?

Sha Zhang

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I'm my opinion the amj52ex is a better fit if you are pairing the rod with a salty 6500. I fished mine amj54h paired with with an 8000swpg & pe4 in nz early in the year for kings to 20kg with no dramas at all, i personally think the match of the 54h with a 8000 sized reel is the perfect match as a combo. However if your targeting brutes and using a larger reel then the 52ex would be better suited and balanced.

Richard Ghalayini

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Big angry kings suits me to a T Amr......Thanks Sha EX52 seems to be a winner with the salty 6500,
Also Dan we're going with Epic for four days I'm going hurt I know that much & thermal springs inbetween days lol 8) just praying for the weather gods to pull thru for us fingers crossed.

Regards Richard

Dan Colebrook

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Cool mate, the epic guys are an awesome crew. My family has a beach house in pauanui so i get to fish the Alderman pins and areas around there quite a bit.
 Winter fishing at the pins usually has fatter kings than summer and they tend to hold really close to the bottom. If they are holding on the bottom you may also have a shot at a hapuka at this time of year too  :) and barracouta  >:(  . If you are going to buy a rod i would go the heaviest rod as you are going to need to turn them asap before you get busted off!
In winter i tend to fish PE8 and summer PE5 at the pins.
 Also the gear for use on the epic boats is top notch = MC Works rods, JiggingMaster rods & reels, Stella, Saltiga ect

Hope this helps.
Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 06:34:35 AM by dan colebrook

Richard Ghalayini

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Cool mate, the epic guys are an awesome crew. My family has a beach house in pauanui so i get to fish the Alderman pins and areas around there quite a bit.
 Winter fishing at the pins usually has fatter kings than summer and they tend to hold really close to the bottom. If they are holding on the bottom you may also have a shot at a hapuka at this time of year too  :) and barracouta  >:(  . If you are going to buy a rod i would go the heaviest rod as you are going to need to turn them asap before you get busted off!
In winter i tend to fish PE8 and summer PE5 at the pins.
 Also the gear for use on the epic boats is top notch = MC Works rods, JiggingMaster rods & reels, Stella, Saltiga ect

Hope this helps.
Oh mate your a legend off course it helps bud thanks heaps for the heads up we're really really looking forward to this much anticipated trip I've never hooked up kings above 15kg this should a reel eye opener this NZ fish trip & it won't be the last.

Cheers Rich

Dan Colebrook

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All good mate, hope ya get good weather!

Richard Ghalayini

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Thanks very much for your input guys on the rods I opted for and purchased the EX52 I'm sure I'll be happy with it and will serve its purpose in NZ in three weeks time woohoo I love the parabolic action on these rods very forgiving on the angler.

Regards Richard