GT Fever in the Whitsundays is a Giant Trevally only tournament put together by a few diehard sportfisherman who regularly fish the reef for the mighty GT.
This year will be the inaugural event and guess what- You can come too!
Briefing is Friday 3rd May. Fishing will commence Saturday Morning and cease Sunday afternoon (times tba)
There are a couple of different categories and the rules are nice and simple.its really just all about a bunch of like minded GT nuts, getting together fo a weekend of targeting that fish we all love. How cool is that!
Number 1 on the list of rules and regs is that this is a catch and release comp only. No one wants to see piles of dead GTs at the "weigh-in". The fish that are to be "presented" for points are to be photograhed on a (wet) brag mate and quickly released. I'm sure we are all good with that.
Rule 2 is that fish are only eligible if they are caught on artificial lures. Sorry bait boys, leave the pillies at home!
Any line class or type (Braid/Mono) may be used, but GTs must be min 60cm (nose to fork of tail) to qualify for points.
That's about it. Easy.
There will be 3 gongs to aim for:
Biggest (longest) GT and runner up
Most GTs caught by an individual and runner up
Champion team (most GTs divided by number of anglers on boat) and runner up team.
Entry will be $50 which covers a snag in a bag on the Friday night briefing, a solid meal during the Sunday night presentation and the rest will go towards the trophies etc. Its important to note, this event is not about cash prizes or big prizes. Its about FUN!
For further information contact Ash Matthews (Seafever Sportfishing Whitsundays) via email
See you there!