Dear people - I need to be a bit more careful with the language I use. I have now had a few queries from people wanting to buy aftermarket handles because of my rather loose comment that the handles break easily.
It is a fact that I have compromised a number of handles but the use I put them through is brutal and they are used far more regularly than what most people put them through. If you have a Dogfight, you do not need to rush out to replace the handle. I would also comment, however, that the MC Works handle is superior to the OEM but it will cost something like 1/3 the price of a new reel.
Sorry for the loose comment - I should know better. Btw, I have not been reproached by any Daiwa dealer or Daiwa itself. Simply that with the questions I was getting that I should be more careful with my words.
My Dogfights are already as customised as I want them to be.
I ain't touching any SOM aftermarket parts. The handles break as easily as the original and I don't reckon their spools are as good as the original.
Btw, I can't see the picture - something wrong with my profile but I gather that you guys must be looking at the No Limits parts. These have actually been out for a little while bit not widely available.